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OT: Brutal Oblivion Death Knight battle

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No secret that near the top of my list of games I'm waiting for this year is Skyrim, the next open world epic fantasy RPG in the Elder Scrolls series from Bethesda. So for the hell of it I loaded up Oblivion again (Elder Scrolls IV) and put a few new mods in place to add to the thrill of combat.

Here's 33 seconds of a fight my "Death Knight" (custom class I created) is in against a group of highway bandits, including at least one spell caster. I use my undead skeleton pet, my drain life touch spells and my mighty dwarven axe to defend myself. IMHO, this is what fantasy combat should look like. Don't forget to watch the carnage in 1080HD!



Brutal Oblivion Death Knight Battle (0:33) 1080HD







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Here's 33 seconds of a fight my "Death Knight" (custom class I created) is in against

a group of highway bandits, including at least one spell caster.

I use my undead skeleton pet, my drain life touch spells and my mighty dwarven axe

to defend myself.

Fourty years ago, this could have been a text of Monty Python;

and 100 years ago, they would have come for you with the armless white jacket, I bet.



Well, it looks better/more realistic to me than "DragonAge", were I don't like the whole

graphic appearance.

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But it's surely inferior to The Witcher 2 which looks fantastic! Hopefully Skyrim will be up to the contest (hope so), I wait for it too!

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Fantasy computer games seem to have come on a bit, since the first and last one I tried. It was a Dungeons and Dragons labyrinth quest-type thingy, and it had no graphics at all. Just a black screen with a text prompt. The bit I remember, went like this. The screen displays the text line 'There is a door here'. I type in 'Open door'. The screen displays "The door opens. There is a dwarf here.' The excitement mounts; now I'm getting somewhere. I type in 'Ask dwarf for gold' and the screen displays 'Nothing happens'. A few equally unsuccessful guesses and I'm typing in 'Hit dwarf'. And still getting 'Nothing happens'. After that, it was back to the video game thrill-ride that was Pong, anyone remember that? Never tried a fantasy game since then, for some reason.

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Try loading up that old game again and typing "Decapitate dwarf with a back handed double bladed axe swing." :grin:



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Hey 33Lima your game reminds me of ZORK. It was fun in it's day. I too look forward to Skyrim and I have a preorder on it. It's the only other sim/game than P4 that I would bother preordering. I am still having a blast with Oblivion. THis time I am playing on a PS3 in 720p HD. It seems like a new experience to me. Good gaming ahead for sure :drinks:

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The Mods for oblivion certainly added something to the game...however, I kinda moved on to the Fallout Genre from Bethesda....though I wait with interest for the new game...I'm sure it will be very good indeed

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