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Farewell Flt Lt Stanley Wigmore RFC

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11 Confirmed Kills... 1 Month until Armistace.... Killed in mid air collision with another Allied Machine. :salute:











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Yeah, collision is the No. 1 killer of the more experienced pilots. Especially in the crowded 1918.

One month only left? Damn, that's tough!

I am getting the trembles with my best pilot now before every sortie. He is only yet in august 1917...

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My Fee pilot is still flying in 1916. The end of the war feels like a very distant dream. Collisions are less of a threat to him though, as there's considerably less maneuvering involved when flying the Fee.

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Bugger indeed WM. I feel your pain Sir. I dare not even mention where my current RFC pilot is in the numbers at the moment for fear of throwing the evil mojo on him.



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Yes..I almost cried when his SE5a crumpled into a heap, and dropped out of the sky :this:

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Very unfortunate ending to a brave and accomplished pilot. :salute: When did he enter the war?

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If I ever make it out of 1916 I will be happy...


Commiserations on your loss old chap... :drinks:

Edited by Slartibartfast

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Since May 1918 Shiloh...a late comer

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