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Dual Core Optimisation, grrr!

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After struggling to get OFF running properly again since our hard drive died, I have had several false starts. I have, however, just completed the 3rd mission in a row without a hitch. The main culprit all along looks to have been the most fundamental thing that I should have remembered - optimising for the AMD dual core processor. It's there in the FAQs - which I thought I had carefully perused - and I must have downloaded it when I first installed OFF.

I even remember making a birthday card for a CFS3 ETO playing friend from a Spitfire photograph, to resemble a 'Biggles' book cover, with him taking on a dastardly 'dual core' weapon which threatened flight simmming!

That'll learn me to read the FAQ's thoroughly!

Edited by Wayfarer

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A lesson for us all m8! RTFM!... :lol:

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It isn't comforting to find out, that the "error" is most often the bloke in front of the monitor... :grin:

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After struggling to get OFF running properly again since our hard drive died, I have had several false starts. I have, however, just completed the 3rd mission in a row without a hitch. The main culprit all along looks to have been the most fundamental thing that I should have remembered - optimising for the AMD dual core processor. It's there in the FAQs - which I thought I had carefully perused - and I must have downloaded it when I first installed OFF.

I even remember making a birthday card for a CFS3 ETO playing friend from a Spitfire photograph, to resemble a 'Biggles' book cover, with him taking on a dastardly 'dual core' weapon which threatened flight simmming!

That'll learn me to read the FAQ's thoroughly!


And where are these FAQs?

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aaah the old problem of failure between seat and keyboard... I see it on a daily basis and make stupid mistakes like that myself... but a day where you learn something is a good day, even if what you have learned is that occasionally we all have stupid moments... :drinks:

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I'm finding a lot of FAQs concerning ATI and NVidia setups,

but nothing about CPU dualcore optimization. I did find this website and download though.


My link

Edited by Lewie

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I'm finding a lot of FAQs concerning ATI and NVidia setups,

but nothing about CPU dualcore optimization. I did find this website and download though.


My link


Yep, that's the thing Lewie. On the OFF FAQs it isunder question 9: 'graphics seem to stutter or go very fast'. It just mentions it on one line - I'm trying to make excuses for not noticing it now!

My main problem was that it kept shutting down, but when it didn't crash it was sometimes 'racing'. I remembered that I had seen a solution to that and finally found it again.

Since downloading the optimiser, it seems to have cured the crashes as well.

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Ah, OK, I thought that there was another tweak in the FAQ's I overlooked. My new Gigabyte motherboard and AMD chip came with a few programs and drivers that (...I'm guessing..) provide for the needed dual CPU support for older games, at least the Gigabyte 'tuner' has both cores shown as optimized.

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The ATI and NVidia tips are near the top.

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