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US National debt (in graphic form)

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The USSR had understood in 1989 that no country can exist as a superpower, it's far too expensive. It took 20 more years for America to learn the same. Modesty is not a defect, especially when drawing up budgets.


Now I wonder where the Congressmen will save all that money from? Will they take risks to disappoint the military-industrial complex and the influent lobbyists of this and that? Or will they cut into healthcare, education, and other things the common taxpayers rely on, considering that it's easier to deceive one million electors than one single seasoned lobbyist? No, they can't do that... Can they?

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What is the size of the stack per capita ?:cool:





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BTW, in case anyone was wondering, I saw a breakdown of who owns the debt last week. The number 1 owner of US debt: Americans. Between individuals, hedge/brokerage/all that crap funds, and corporations, far more than 50% of the debt belongs right here in the USA.


That means we're borrowing from ourselves to pay ourselves so we don't have to pay ourselves? :blink:

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I saw the same analysis...it's basically about 70% of the debt is to ourselves.


Still trying to figure out that one...if that's true, I'll put in a bid for one of the Space Shuttles please...



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The USSR had understood in 1989 that no country can exist as a superpower, it's far too expensive. It took 20 more years for America to learn the same. Modesty is not a defect, especially when drawing up budgets.


USA could be a superpower for the next bilion years if needed, but a few insanely demented greedy people decided they couldn't care less about that.


True value is not the money, not the gold, not the paper and most certainly not the ones and zeros on computers. USA has great land, know-how, population composition, infrastructure, resources, technology and none of this changed, infact it only got better and better over the years.

There was no great destruction, disease or some other catastrophe hitting the country that would justify sudden financial problems.

It's obvious it's all not just in USA but all over the world in highly developed countries simply made up by the system that had no basis in the first place.


Now I wonder where the Congressmen will save all that money from? Will they take risks to disappoint the military-industrial complex and the influent lobbyists of this and that? Or will they cut into healthcare, education, and other things the common taxpayers rely on, considering that it's easier to deceive one million electors than one single seasoned lobbyist? No, they can't do that... Can they?


Well they will most probably simply pump up this unsustainable system until we get to "Great Depression vol.2" which will probably be 100 times greater this time due to the negative effect of globalization just to have another J.M.Keynes that will teach some fool those same things we knew all this time, oh and we might get to fight another Hitler, hey why not, I hear there's youth on this planet that did not have the opportunity to expirence the "joys" of brutal total war...

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USA could be a superpower for the next bilion years if needed, but a few insanely demented greedy people decided they couldn't care less about that.


True value is not the money, not the gold, not the paper and most certainly not the ones and zeros on computers. USA has great land, know-how, population composition, infrastructure, resources, technology and none of this changed, infact it only got better and better over the years.

There was no great destruction, disease or some other catastrophe hitting the country that would justify sudden financial problems.

It's obvious it's all not just in USA but all over the world in highly developed countries simply made up by the system that had no basis in the first place.




Well they will most probably simply pump up this unsustainable system until we get to "Great Depression vol.2" which will probably be 100 times greater this time due to the negative effect of globalization just to have another J.M.Keynes that will teach some fool those same things we knew all this time, oh and we might get to fight another Hitler, hey why not, I hear there's youth on this planet that did not have the opportunity to expirence the "joys" of brutal total war...


Germany is not the life preserver of the EU and the USA is not the life preserver of the rest of the planet. Worst comes to worst, the USA will just tear up the paper and start over.


Bad news, China. Build carriers faster.


In the midst of all this wailing and knashing of teeth, look around you. Nothing has changed. It's just paper. It is all about confidence, so buck up and do what you can at your level. Stop sitting on the sidelines, get out and vote, and encourage others to do the same. If we call them idiots in Washington, guess who put them there and keep them there?

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If we call them idiots in Washington, guess who put them there and keep them there?

The same idiots who swallow hook line and sinker the myth that the democrats are a socialist party whereas both parties are unabashed corporate whores, paid for by the globalists and Wall Street. The same idiots who totally buy the lie perpetuated by media that voting on third party is a wasted vote and you're better off voting republican or democrat (or social democrat or conservative, if you're in Europe. Same s**t). The same idiots who froth at the idea of paying hundreds of dollars in welfare to ordinary people who are mostly just unlucky enough to get laid off in todays global economy of totally outsourced menial jobs, while executives get paid MILLIONS in bonuses when they get fired for not doing their jobs.


Guess who laughs all the way to the bank? The banks themselves.


Nothing will ever change if people persist in only voting either of the established "left or right" parties into power, because they're all bought by the corporate elite to further the globalist agenda of unlimited profits for the elite and f*** everybody else.


We put guys like Stig Bergling or John Walker into prison for life or just execute them for selling out military secrets for profit, but we reward the corporate Gordon Gekkos of the world for selling out our entire society for profit. How does that in any way make sense?

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The same idiots who swallow hook line and sinker the myth that the democrats are a socialist party whereas both parties are unabashed corporate whores, paid for by the globalists and Wall Street. The same idiots who totally buy the lie perpetuated by media that voting on third party is a wasted vote and you're better off voting republican or democrat (or social democrat or conservative, if you're in Europe. Same s**t). The same idiots who froth at the idea of paying hundreds of dollars in welfare to ordinary people who are mostly just unlucky enough to get laid off in todays global economy of totally outsourced menial jobs, while executives get paid MILLIONS in bonuses when they get fired for not doing their jobs.


Guess who laughs all the way to the bank? The banks themselves.


Nothing will ever change if people persist in only voting either of the established "left or right" parties into power, because they're all bought by the corporate elite to further the globalist agenda of unlimited profits for the elite and f*** everybody else.


We put guys like Stig Bergling or John Walker into prison for life or just execute them for selling out military secrets for profit, but we reward the corporate Gordon Gekkos of the world for selling out our entire society for profit. How does that in any way make sense?

Come on Julhelm, quit beating around the bush, tell us how you really feel.

(bad joke)

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