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The Nieuport 10 is here

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I uploaded the Nieuport 10 last night. It's a single seat fighter with three skinning options for the Entente forces.


My thanks once again to Ojcar for making the FM, to Nix for making the engine sound file, and to Nix, Sinbad, Whiteknight06604, and 33Lima who provided suggestions and resources.


The 12 is on the way, it should be done in a few more days.




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Great stuff, off to grab it now, many thanks!!!

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Quack, give me some input, please! It's working all right?

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for me the FM is ok 99% of the time. ocasionaly the AI has a little problem using the rudder. the plane will slide and yaw wildly for a few seconds when the AI is dogfigting and trying to turn. I fly on "Normal" and am using FE2. it sems ok most of the time but sometimes I see one going a little crazy ;) still seems pretty good to me.

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OK, Whiteknight try to lower the RudderForSideslip to 1 and tell me

Edited by ojcar

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