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A quick note from Navy Chief.

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Ahoy all!


I stopped in at a library in Murphy, NC, to post a message on my favorite site! The libraries closest to our new home do not have Internet, and I am not able to afford to have it connected just yet.


We're doing fine. Our previous home has not sold yet (not even any offers, unfortunately). I am hopeful that situation will change soon. Obviously, I am not happy about paying two mortgages!


It is much more peaceful at our "new" home. Plenty of room (went from 750 sq ft to over 1900!), and our Rottweiler, "Chief", is loving it. We got him a playmate named "Roxie". She's came from the Pet Rescue that my wife and I volunteer for.


Anyway, I willl check in from time to time to see what's new. I miss flying onilne, and being able to download new aircraft for FS9. More than that, I greatly miss the ability to read and post on this site with you fine folks!


Take care, and I hope to be back online soon.


AMEC(AW) P.C. Ward, USN, Retired


AKA......... Navy Chief

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Anyone wanting to email me can do so at:




I will check my email when I can.



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NC, been thinking about you and hoping all was well. We'll be waiting for you when you return. :grin:

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hope everything will turn out on the best side

nice to hear Chief love the new place hope u too :cool:


Take care and it's nice to hear from u :biggrin:

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Hey Chief..been wondering where you went to...good to Cya.Look forward to your return.

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Glad to see you are still around. I have got something going on with FS9 and I'll email you about it. I hope the cats have adjusted to their new home as much as Chief has. And he got a girlfriend on top of all the new trees to mark? One lucky dog.

Keep in touch and have fun in your new digs. At least it aint a Goat Locker. :tomato:

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Glad to see you are still around. I have got something going on with FS9 and I'll email you about it. I hope the cats have adjusted to their new home as much as Chief has. And he got a girlfriend on top of all the new trees to mark? One lucky dog.

Keep in touch and have fun in your new digs. At least it aint a Goat Locker. :tomato:




Good to hear from you and that you have been settling in. We miss you here.

Hope you sell the house soon, friend. See my posts at simhq about my new job, please, and one titled "This Was Hilarious".



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