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OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

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Okay read more and I think I understand the auto-level feature of the creatures. Sounds good.


The dragons seem to be a little easy to kill (from my reading) so I heard of the "deadly dragons" mod. Have any of you tried it?



Please report!

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Havent tried it myself m8...But yeah, I kinda expected Dragon's to be a little tougher

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You are still playing this game Hellshade or did you burn out? You seemed to be the most excited when it was released. How is the game holding up?


I am ALWAYS late to the party on games like this.

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Must admit I have not been playing too much lately of any type of computer game RL caught up with me... anyhew had a fine blast last night as I got set upon by a whole bunch of bad guys and it was decidedly getting unhealthy and all this in the great outdoors... there was at least one Draugr Scourge Lord a whole bunch of skeletons with bows and as I was happily chopping these guys up a nice Blood Dragon popped in for a chat or 3 now life was getting a shade more interesting ie was getting tough to just stay alive this was made even more fun when another Dragon popped in for a chat though this one was a frosty Dragon now this is what I call a fight as the Draugr and his minions finally fell I found my major issue was both Dragons decide to just go for me not a good place to be after lots of cunning running away and shooting with a bow I finally killed both after about 15 minutes biggest problem was one dragon would provide air support for the grounded one. Problem I have is that once you are at a high level (Level 42 if your asking) killing a single dragon is fairly straightforward shoot it a few times with a bow I am using a Daedric Legendary with Soul Capture for a side effect... and then go in with Dragonsbane (Sword I picked up along the way) job done but multiple dragons take a bit more effort. Just use your head and well try not to lose it... :drinks:

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I have had the game a week now and I just finished modding it! I have not even played it yet!

I highly recommend the great mods out there!

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