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P4 has just GOT to have this plane!

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Apparently the prototype crashed on test, probably because the pilot was unable to leave behind him the quaint belief that he should to be able to see where he was going, thereby denying the DFW Floh its place in history. I look forward to the Englanders trembling at the sight of them darkening the skies of Phase 4.

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Do they have a water closet on board, or a shower?

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Apparently the prototype crashed on test, probably because the pilot was unable to leave behind him the quaint belief that he should to be able to see where he was going, thereby denying the DFW Floh its place in history


This plane is definitely deserving of a place in the Museum of Diseased Imaginings. And even saying this, it appears much easier to land this tub than a Roland :grin:

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Good grief! I don't think I've ever seen a more ugly aeroplane.

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Looks like something out of 'Snoopy V The Red Baron' :rofl:

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I thought this was a joke, right down to the little face with the propellor for a nose, - but it was real!!!


The theory was a speed machine, with stubby wings for fewer struts and less drag and wind resistance.


Carries less ammunition too because your enemies are expected to die laughing.



On the other hand, if 33Lima gets one of them, can I put in an order for one of these please? Ye Olde Worlde Tsetse!!!


Edited by Flyby PC

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Great plane to have indeed!

But would be too much workload for the developng team,

as they have to model proper AA for it, as well... :lol:



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Does anyone know the real reason for this bulky fuselage?

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Does anyone know the real reason for this bulky fuselage?


Apparently it was an attempt at streamlining. Here's what I could find on the Floh (Flea)


The DFW T28 Floh (Flea) was designed by the Chief Engineer of the Deutsche Flugzeugwerke GmbH of Leipzig-Lindenthal, Dipl.Ing. Hermann Dorner. The intent was to create a high speed fighter by eliminating drag through reducing the need for struts and rigging. The name Floh translates as "Flea" in English, and this is because it looks like a small fat blob with stunted wings. The Floh was an all-wood construction biplane which had a wingspan of 6.5 meters and a fuselage length of 4.5 meters. it was powered by a 100 hp in-line Mercedes D1 engine and armed with a single machine gun installed over the engine inside the fuselage. Special emphasis was placed on streamlining that led to the aircraft's bizzare silhouette. The Floh was conceived as a strut and wire less aircraft. In this respect, the Floh was only partially successful, because when the T28 finally reached prototype stage it still needed some wing struts. However, it did not have the volume of rigging commonly seen on aircraft from its era.


The prototype Floh made a very promising first flight in 1915., During the test flight a speed of 180 Km/h was recorded, this was a feat at the time. The test flight exposed difficult landing characteristics in the design. This could be attributable to a narrow width of the landing gear causing instability and the high center of gravity. These flaws were compounded by the position of the pilot which reduced landing visibility. On the very first flight the prototype had an extremely hard landing which resulted in light damage to the wing cell.


It did not enter production due to a series of unresolved issues. In spite of being successful in achieving its goal of a high speed, the German military, was not in the mood to support such an unorthodox design. Because of this, the Floh is only remembered as another curiosity in military aircraft development.


Seems several people have 3D modeled the Flea...even going so far as to mod CFS2 where you can fly the Flea against squadrons of Norman Bel Geddes futuristic airliners. Seeing as the Flea was to be equipped with one machine gun, this must have been a monumental task. It would seem that hundreds of Fleas would be needed just to carry enough MG ammunition up to the fight.

Edited by Hauksbee

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Hey, I like CFS2, must see if that mod is still available. A unique plane to fly, baddies to hunt, white sand and blue, blue seas, what more could you ask for...oh yes I know, bring on the dancing girls! I suppose it's too much to hopeTHEY are in the mod, too?

Edited by 33LIMA

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