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Alternate TFD Terrain Tilemap editor/viewer

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Hi Gerwin,


Still working the editor of yours to the max. Finally figured out the copy tile height usage. Love the ability to page up and down through tiles when zoomed in to be able to view them as they lay in the terrain. The ability to amend parts of the tile for height has been a great benefit when creating the fjord into Port Alberni.


A couple of requests-

1. The tile name that you have selected to be displayed somewhere in the editor. makes it easier for picking it out in Photoshop for editing.

2. The ability when you are TAB-ing through the individual heights in the tile to reverse the direction when you went too fast and skipped it and to be able to go back as opposed to going all the way through again.

3. Can you have a way to reload the .hfd with the editor open vice closing and going through to open it again?

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Discovered something the other night working with the OTC + terrain. The associated inis have to have the same name as the main ini and folder or else it won't find it. It will open but with a lot of errors.

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that's right ... we've known that for years. Not only the inis, but the HFD/TFD too. ALL names must match


you might also want to leave the OTC+ alone ... other than those outdated tiles (which I really didn't like to start with - Flordia/Cuba kinda sorta don't really look like that...), it's a near perfect as the Engine allows

Edited by Wrench

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No, I mean that the new TE won't recognize the terrain if the names aren't the same. So by changing those names it worked.


Thanks for the advice but I didn't like the planning maps and that new TE made some nice new ones.

Edited by 10107

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*I'd have made new ones for CubaOCD, but like it says in the readme, SFMap crapped out*


YES it does!!! :drinks::good:


I used it to make the planning maps for the MidWestUSA. Prolly use it again for Central America and the Persian Gulf.

Other than having to do some reworking it's great!(ie: 87-odd layers so I could paint over the exsiting tags, and relabel with different more visible text)


It's the best feature in it! (well, for me that's all I need it for!)

Edited by Wrench

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Hey Gerwin, have you made any more changes to the editor?

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Hey Gerwin, have you made any more changes to the editor?


Not a chance,

Lately I am wasting all my time on relocating and a work deadline.

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Right on. Lack of info on the new terrain style but I'm sure there will lots of use for your editor. I know I have lots of use for it. :)

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the SF2NA terrain is LOD-driven; no more TE. That terrain is build in MAX.

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Yes I know that. I have lots of terrains for the editor yet.

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I'm trying to add some new tiles to a map, I've added them to the terrain data ini but when I try to load up the TFD tool I get an error saying "Unable to load certain texture files" which just happen to be the tiles I've just added.

The tiles are loading fine in their original terrain, I've not changed anything,just copied them into my terrain folder & added the appropiate entries to the end of my data ini.


Any ideas ? :blink:

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I get that a lot when trying to generate planning maps


Ant, you might have to run it in the standard TE, add the tile to the textureset, save, and let a new TFD generate (which, of course, dosn't actually solve the problem....). The TFD being where the tile data is stored

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I'm trying to add some new tiles to a map, I've added them to the terrain data ini but when I try to load up the TFD tool I get an error saying "Unable to load certain texture files" which just happen to be the tiles I've just added.

The tiles are loading fine in their original terrain, I've not changed anything,just copied them into my terrain folder & added the appropiate entries to the end of my data ini.


Any ideas ? :blink:


Maybe we could find out wheter (1) the entries in the ini are causing it, or (2) the actual texture files.

In case of the latter: Are these BMP/TGA's ? what size. could u upload one of the textures so I can test it...

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Wrench, I did not read your post before. It suggests the problem is in the ini. If so, please send me an ini file with that problem.

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as soon as I remember which one it is!!

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Thanks for the replies gents, I'll try what Wrench said & report my results back here.

Edited by Sundowner

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Blimey, the TE is way above my head... :dntknw:

I'll pm my stuff to gerwin for a look over.......thanks.

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Blimey, the TE is way above my head... :dntknw:

I'll pm my stuff to gerwin for a look over.......thanks.

Thanks for uploading the terrain.


Somewhere along the way TFDtool took the maximum tile entry in theTFD as the last tile,

I changed it so that in case the data ini has a higher entry, it will take that instead, as it should.


Also I added a small Tile File info dialog, with the "I" key.


I call it v0.81, you can download it with the link in post no. 1.

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Excellent.....many thanks :drinks:

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have to check that out! thanks gerwin!

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Works great....many thanks again... :clapping:

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OK, glad it it works now. I don't want no bugs in my humble creation.

Good luck with that terrain.

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Uploaded a new version.

I noticed the target locations on planningmaps of larger maps (above 2000x2000km) are off. This is now fixed.

still v0.81.

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finally figured out which terrain it was, and tested the new version ; works perfect on planning map generation now


thanks again!!

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I found out more the meaning of the Tag value of each tile in the tilemap. At least, I called it the Tag value.


The tiles below an airfield should keep tag value=0, otherwise the ground below the airfield will not be flat, somehow...


I took me a while to find out what was causing the airfield problem in a modified Dhimar Desert map, but that was it.

PS. As some of you probably know they have desert river artwork in the cat, but it is not used it in the map. funny.

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