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Since I don't think anyone saw the topic I added to "a few dumb questions" I thought I'd start a new topic, for a new dumb question, how do you save your assignments in FE1?I thought you went to controls in the FE1 main folder ,right clicked and checked the read only box, but when I had to reset my rudder assignment,and went to the controls folder ,read only was already checked.

I also found that when setting your control assignments ,you have to move your controls in all directions other wise if,for instance you move the rudder pedals(I have all CH controllers) you might only have left rudder.

The rest you can read in my last post in a "few dumb questions"

Oh one last thing, I checked into downloading the Nieuport 11 to get rockets but found you have to use the weapons editor do do that and I'am not into modding much and not smart enough to learn to use it anyway.

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As dear ol grannie used to say 'The only dumb question is the one not asked.'


Now I'm only a relative newbie myself and hardly a computer expert and thats part of why I love the 3rd Wire series, its pretty easy to fix most things pretty much exactly the way you want, when you figure out how it all works.


Not sure about your control problem, I use the Logitech 3d and I have my own profile loaded under my sign on. I dont recall any 'read only' box, so you got me stumped there. I'm sure others will be able to point you in the right direction.


What puzzles me is your problem with weapons. I have all the weapons for the aircraft I have loaded including rockets for the range of N11's that are available and I have never had to even download the Weapons Editor. So that leads me to ask, have you loaded up Peter01's 108 FMs patch? (you'll find it in the FE aircraft download section here at CA)Peter has arranged things so that you dont have to download weapons of 3rd party aircraft and they just seem to be there ready for use.


Cheers Grinseed

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I think you have the "read only " checked before you make the changes, so the changes are not saved. So uncheck the read only thing (I don't remember doing these things anyway), make the changes in game, exit the game, and then, if you like, check the "read only"

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Ok thanks ojcar I think your right , because I set my view commands and next time I went into the sim they were all unassigned, and the read only was already checked.

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Hi Hurricane


I take it that you're referring to the file Default.ini in the folder First Eagles/Controls? I have Vista 64, and if I go to File/properties, then that file is shown as 'Read only'. BUT that has not stopped if from holding my customised joystick assigmnents, which I set using the in-game options sub-menu. All my settings are definitely in that Default.ini file, despite the 'read only' property. To set your options I would just use the in-game options menu, they are saved when you click 'Accept' IIRC. I never went anywhere near the Default .ini file.


I'm sure you could hand-edit the Default.ini file in Windows Explorer, and then save it (provided Read only is UNchecked, Vista can be fussy about letting you do things to files in the Program Files folder). But I can see no need to do that, when you can save the options in-game. OFF is different, IIRC joystick settings can only be changed by editing the settings file but FE in-game settings work.


I have an old but loved Saitek Cyborg 3d whose own drivers don't work in Vista i think, but you can probably also assign joystick buttons using your stick's driver/configuration utility unless like me yours doesn't work in your version of Windows. I don't have pedals so have no experience of setting up those.


Like Grinseed I'm not sure about the Weapon Editor. But looking at the Readme file for Monty CZ's Nieuport 11, which includes le Prieur rockets, it says:



1) Extract file to temporary folder

2) there is folder named "Aircraft", which contains "Nieuport11"

and folder "Weapons" which contains LePrieur rockets for this


3) Copy Nieuport11 to your game Aircraft directory

4) Copy content of weapons folder to your game Weapons directory

5) Start WeaponEditor.exe, open your WEAPONDATA.INI and Import/Merge

content of


So I'd suggest you re-install the Nieu. 11 and folow the above instructions, especially 4 and 5. If that doesn't work, I'm lost.

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I always lose at least some assignments for some reason so I'll keep doing the uncheck , assign ,then recheck read only, gets old always having to reassign every thing each time.One good this about FE is there arent that many things that you can assign too.

I think I'am going to leave well enough alone,at least I have some planes with rockets and I doubt(but I'am no expert) that downloading Montys CZ Nieuport 11 well get me small bombs and gernades,I'am kinda tired messing with this thing and don't think it's worth the effort.

Unfortunately when I get a new computer I was going to get SF2 because it's the only sim that you can fly combat with the older jets I grew up with, but now I'am haveing second thoughts about anything ThirdWire ,I don't want to go through all this again.

Of course if anyone has an easy fix for the gernades and small bombs for the Gotha feel free to reply.

Thanks for trying to help

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Please don't judge the TW sims on account of the probs you're having - the key assignments not staying set is really unusual and probably not the sim's fault. The only time I have ever lost key assignments is after installing a patch, which seems to reset them to defaults. I presume you patched FE to the Oct 2008 standard, btw? http://www.thirdwire.com/downloads.htm Patched, FE1 will run on Vista and probably Windows 7 as well, plus it'ssomewhat better than the original retail version in nearly every respect.


Modding your install is where it can get tricky but it's easier with the SF2 series (including First Eagles 2), no weapon editor stuff I think. Anyway you can have a lot of fun with the stock planes; and for every mod that I give up trying to get to work right in series 1 or series 2, there's another dozen that work just fine with no hassle. Take Stephen's recent excellent range of 2-seaters, for example.


For FE1 (which will work fine on your new PC I believe) I would strongly recommend the new campaign files that Ojcar attached here. Or get the Flanders terrain here, the Bloody April campaign here, and grab as many as you can of the extra planes for the latter campaign (listed in its Readme) from here and here (registration by email needed for the A Team before you can access the downloads); that will take you an hour or so but will about triple your possibilities at a stroke; fly Albatros DIIIs with Jasta 11 and many others during Bloody April; meet DH2s, FE2s, BE2s, Nieuports, Pups, Brisfits, Triplanes and others, over a completely new terrain. Or fly for the RFC in any of those types, with one of the squadrons which flew them. The effort to get the Bloody April Campaign up and running is very well worth it. It's like getting a second sim free. I expect Ojcar's campaigns will be the same again; i'm just getting started with these (no new terrain needed I think, just some more planes - and they include Stephen's recent work, which wasn't around when the Bloody April campaign was released). And there are other campaigns available too.


I also have most of the other TW sims for the very reason you've been contemplating SF2; those early jets. I started with SF2 Europe and have a fair number of add-on planes working well, including the Jaguar and RAF and RN Phantoms. If I feel like warmer weather I can go to SE Asia with Wings over Vietnam or to the Middle East with Wings over Israel. No need to spend weeks learning radar modes, what all the cockpit switches do and take-off drills. Just kick the tires, light the fires and off you go. My favourite jet sims, and i've played a good many. One day I will try the SF2 version of the Nato Fighters mod, but for now am happy with WW1.


The basic TW sims are all well worth it; the mods are icing on the cake, and the SF2 series run better on more modern PCs that the originals.

Edited by 33LIMA

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I prepared an explanation and step by step process that I think will fix your position Hurricane re the rockets and the grenades, but after seeing your last post I dont know if I should post it or not.

I understand your confusion and disappointment, TW requires a bit of reading to get running properly. I ran into quite a few deadends myself in the past year but each deadend was just a new learning experience, we learn more from failure than success (and I still havent had to open an editor programme) and as Wrench has often forcefully suggested reading the readmes and the knowledge base information reveals an easily adaptable game. I've flown a lot of flight sims and TW is by far one of the best.

If and when you want Hurricane I will post my next suggestion.


Cheers Grinseed

Edited by Grinseed

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Ok you talked me into it. If I don't have to mess with weapons editer's and keep loseing my weapons ,I'll give SF2 a try. As far as my FE1 install I already have most of the planes and scenery mods you spoke of,I have no idea how many planes I have,(I'am already a member of the A team ,and have most all their planes) , I have already got the Oct. patch so I have FE1 Expansion pack 1. I don't have any campaigns because I'am afraid to install them for fear I'll lose something else.

I don't know why I lose my assignments maybe because I've never flown FE1 ,except to just install another plane or scenery.It seems if you don't fly FE1 for a while I lose my assignments.

I always have my rudder pedals hooked up but I usually have to reassign them after the sim sits a while.

I really get sick of spending the whole day trying to get my weapons back only to lose something else. And I really hate this shifting files around ,to no avail.

But I think I'll leave it alone ,except for maybe installing a new plane, now that I'am retired I'll have more time to actually fly combat. I wish I hadn't lost the gernades and small bombs for the Gotha,but I was doing a lot of checking and it seems thats all I've lost so I guess I can live without these.

Thanks for replying and makeing me fell a bit better about trying ThirdWire again.

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Ok Grenseed go ahead and post your suggestion, I have rockets for two of the Nieuport 12's and thats good enough for them.I'd still like my gernades and small bombs for the Gotha back though.But I can't promise I'll do it,if it's involved or there's any change I'll lose something else I won't use it.

I'am very grateful for your help but the last few days have been a nightmare messing with this sim.

You see I have depression and anixity problems and although I'am on meds ,they just take the edge off.

I didn't know when I bought FE1 how much trouble you can get into,I'am not a modder I just love planes and want to experance what it's like to fly in WWI, which is why I'am a member of the League of World War I Avaition Historians.

So thank you again for your help and concern.

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Ok, for what its worth I offer the following original unedited post, other than to repeat that I can only fly FE1 on my old computer. Take your time, read it carefully, I've done my best to make it as clear as possible.


MontyCZ,as far as I know your N11 is the only one available online. Its the only one I have.


Hurricane, I have only three files for the rockets in my Weapon folder - Le_Prieur_map, Le_Prieur_Rocket.LOD, Le_Prieur_Tube.LOD.

These three files are the only ones in Peter's orginal Weapons folder.


After loading Peter's N11 data and loadout files to Monty's N11 aircraft folder, you wont need the rocket files from MontyCZ's download. In Peter's readme notes he suggest not loading any other weapons files that come with the 3rd party aircraft.


I'm sorry that this has confused you, but I'm sure you will find that its all quite logical and simple in the end.


I know you probably feel discouraged but I can only offer the following step by step process.


1.Delete the N11 entirely from your Aircraft folder. It wont hurt or damage anything. Thats the beauty of ThirdWire, if something doesnt work, delete it.


2. Delete the Weapons Folder, and the two weapondata files from the Objects folder.


3. Reload Peter01's Weapon folder to the Object folder. Do not add anything else to this folder.


4.Copy the two weapondata files in Peter01's Weapon folder to the Object folder.


5. Reload a fresh version of Monty's N11 to your Aircraft folder, but dont load Monty's Weapon folder. This is from Peter01's readme regarding add on planes:


"BE SURE not to install anything from the plane model downloads other then the plane folder itself...many models were done some time ago and game files (weapons,formations etc) werer included but will no longer work. Everything you need is in this download.data"


Further to this, I found that adding other stuff to his Weapons folder tended to foul things up generally. Thats why I asked how many rocket files you had in your Weapons folder, those others are from Monty's original N11 download.


Be sure that you have also loaded the Aircraftobject config file and the two gundata files from Peter01's download to the Object folder.


I sure hope this works for you. Dont be discouraged. I have landed in several deadends myself in the past year with FE, but every problem has a simple solution and best of all you cant break the game.

I can only repeat Wrench's advice to read and re-read all the read-mes and all the general knowledge information available at Combat Ace.


Good Luck and Cheers Grinseed

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Thankyou so much for your time and effort in writeing out these instructions, but because of my anixity I'am afraid to try it. So far all I've lost is the gernades and small bombs for the Gotha and I don't think it's worth my anixity to try this.

I'am so very sorry that you went to all this work for nothing and I hope you'll understand. The one thing you said I just don't understand.I saved a pure copy of Peters weapons file and as I wrote before there were 8 files in ther pertaning to rockets.Doesn't matter really cause I have rockets on two of the Nieuport 12's I downloaded ,the other is a RAF version that doesn't have rockets. and the others I had to delete because they wern't texured..I'am not sure when the gernades and Gotha small Bombs dissapeared but For me ,the way I am it's not worth the effort and anixity to try something else right now.

I will print out your instructions in case I get brave and decide to try it.

I just can't thank enough all who have tried to help me.

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Sorry I ment the Nieuport 16 mega pack not Nieuport 12 as I've been saying, sorry for the confusion.

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Just thought I'd let you know ,I installed the Fokker DIIIL which has gernades in the loadout and they work. While playing around I found my BE2 C @ D gernades work also ,my Be2 A which has gernades in the loadout don't work.Go figure. The Gotha small bombs still don't work but the regular and large bombs work.

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i'll add my own dumb question:


what operating system?

where is the FirstEAgles folder located? (assuming FE1)


these are IMPORTANT!

Edited by Wrench

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Not a dunb question at all, my os is Windows XP ,32bit sevice pack 3 ,and First Eagles is installed on my secondary hard drive which if my E drive and also it's copied to my external HD (G drive which is a 2 TB Seagate). The primary install is under program files of the E drive.

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