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SFP2 Stock desert terrain

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What are they talking about ? Where do I find this ?

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Not sure I understand what you don't understand... Could you detail your question or give us context, because otherwise it seems you don't translate "SFP2 Stock desert terrain" to "The terrain coming with Strike Fighters 2, named Desert (the one with Dhimar and Paran, you know), without any mod".

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Not sure I understand what you don't understand... Could you detail your question or give us context, because otherwise it seems you don't translate "SFP2 Stock desert terrain" to "The terrain coming with Strike Fighters 2, named Desert (the one with Dhimar and Paran, you know), without any mod".





Desert Movements Ini Expansion

=For SF2, Any and All (with access to the Desert Terrain)........ which ? where ?

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The terrain coming with Strike Fighters 2, named Desert (the one with Dhimar and Paran, you know), without any mod".

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Sorry, I must be more ill than I thought, I still fail to understand the problem.


Which words are you not parsing exactly ?

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ahh ok, I only have SF2 Europe and SF2 Israel

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The Desert Terrain is the default (and only) terrainset that ships with both SF1 and SF2.

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if you've got SFP1, the original 1stGen version at the 08 patch level, you can copy/paste that into the /Terrains folder of any SF2 mods folder.

(provided you don't have SF2, obvously!)


You will, however, have to extract the Desert_data.ini and make some pretty easy changes to add the SF2 DX10 shaders and a couple other small tweeks.


you need help with it Ed, gimme a shout!

Edited by Wrench

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