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Been on a tangent with the freeware P-47 b russo and Il-2 46 P-47's and have been thinking. Wouldn't it be nice if TK could give us an official Jug after the mustang and spitfire already released. perhaps as a DLC in the future? At least after the North tlantic game. A focus toward South America and their plethora of WW2 and 60's era planes. Just a brainstorm idea.





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I agree, a new P-47 has been needed for a loooooong time. It's too bad that such an incredible aircraft with an unrivalled war record has been so neglected throughout history. A TK designed P-47 would be great!

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Yep, I was hoping he would turn to South America at some point to focus on those countires conflicts into the 60's. The jug was useful. I think our skinners here would have a field day skinning this bird.

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have you looked in the downloads section, perhaps??? Even though its still the very old (and tired) Wolf Jug, CenAm is very much covered.


as for a stock 3W one; don't be holding your breath. Although I WAS quite pleasently surprised by the SF2I:X1 Mustangs and Spits (albeit withOUT pits for Spits...). TKs always said WW2 wasn't his "thing" for this series.



Nobody wants better WW2 birds than me ... as the last 7 seven years will attest

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Yep, know that it was covered but always like official stuff. yeah, i know tk isnt into ww2 but when he released the spit and mustang, he must have felt the same way then. the jug would just be a continuation of it but with 50's-60's nostalgia.

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Any new P-47 by any developer is defenitely one of my top wishes. I love Wolf's Jug, but a new P-47 would be fantastic.



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I'm TRYING Ken!!! :lol: It's not lilke I (really) want the picture; I want that to go to the 3d/FM guys. I just want, like everyone else, a good solid, decent Jug for WW2 and post-war.


belive me, I've done almost everything I know how to get Wolf's MAX files to pass on to willing 3D Guys (for ALL his birds!), so to bring it up more to SF2-spec. Posted requests to Wolf both here and SimHQ last year, with no reponse.


we need a rebuild of the razorback, the D-20 and later 25/30 with fin fillet ... as freeware if possible.



edit: btw, Ken, have you flown over Kalamazoo Airport on the CenUS map yet?? "Easter Egg Time!!!" :grin:

Edited by Wrench

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It would be ubercool, but i don´t see it coming since it didn´t have the postwar action of the P-51. Besides NA, i´m waiting for the Mirage F1, anyway. Gotta be great.

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Well, the French flew late model P-47D over Algeria post war... Also, P-47 was instrumental in holding back the veiled aggression of Paran against Dhimar, again in the fifties, before the big show there in '59...

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If i could vote i would prefer a Sabre made by TK.

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I know you're trying Wrench, and I appreciate that. :good:

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