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Roster statistics

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In roster section of the pre-flight screen every pilot has skill, experience, moral and CND score among others (BTW what does CND stands for?). Do different values of this things affect pilots combat skill when they are a part of your flight, and if they do, in what manner?

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CND if I remember is for Condition of pilot... not sure on what it affects though as I rarely fly with wingmen...

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So CND means the pilot is more or less suffering from a hangover........ ?? :blink::grin::drinks:

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So CND means the pilot is more or less suffering from a hangover........ ?? :blink::grin::drinks:


In SF2NA, being mostly Navy, It´s a must have feature


Personally, i don´t touch the roster in Campaign. It´s an extra excitement not to know if your wingmen will act retarded or will kill everybody before i get a lock in any target

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I would say their stats do affect their performance - in campaigns I take rookies out on easy missions to bump their stats up - but the high skilled ones do seem better - just difficult to anaylse whats really happening.


The game normally chooses the best wingmen by stats by default

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Train a wingman to get 5 kills. After he's aced give him 1-3, 2-1 or any other lead spot. Ace AI is the best you can get and has great reaction time.

Once I had an awesome guy in the squadron who scored more kills than I did. Then he caught an R-60 from behind and got stuck in hospital.


CND drops after each mission flown. You might like a small team of badass pilots but once they're worn out they suck. I think they become really bad at evading amongst other things.

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