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I've downloaded A-6E by Allenjb42 to use it for SF2: NA.


Anyway, cut to the main topic. See the screen below.



It seems the window frames duplicated. Obviously, the cockpit had its own window frames while the other window frames from external model appears as well. Furthermore, if I change line of sight, some kind of semi-transparent conical polygon appears. The mysterious polygon chunk seems attached to the cockpit window.



It seems some part of exterior is shown for cockpit view. I'm not sure if the problem relates 3D model or not. Could you provide any feedback on this matter?


Thank you.



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extrac the A-6E data ini and set nose and fuselage to



that should do it

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  On 3/16/2012 at 8:10 PM, cocas said:

extrac the A-6E data ini and set nose and fuselage to



that should do it


That worked!!!


Although the refuel tube isn't visible anymore, I guess it will work anyway!!



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glad to help to bad for the prob but this to me the only way to make the pit work

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take the cockpit position from the STOCK WoV A-6A. Didn't give me any problems (even for the EA-6B)

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What Wrench is saysing is move the cockpit position forwad and to the right and this will cause the exterior cockpit frames to disappear once they are "inside" your interior cockpit.

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FLIGHT OF THE INTRUDER i 've got it all working my end just missing co-pilot and seat ! :cool: .Just wish someone can fix iceland. frame rates are 5-7 fps, 35 fps in clouds ,40+ fps above clouds . For me the terrain is a total loss and i dont want to be turning down my settings when i can run all the others maxed out..

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Wrench's methord is proved correct.

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