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Bristol-Boulton-Paul Vagabond SR.4

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Bristol-Boulton-Paul Vagabond SR.4 - No.543 Squadron, RAF Bomber Command, 1959


The Boulton-Paul Vagabond was Britain's first nuclear-capable bomber and the first of the V-bombers. Designed by the newly merged Bristol and Bopulton-Paul companies it gained some benefit from the former's unsuccessful Brabazon transport aircraft. Powered by four Bristol Phoroneus turboprop engines the Vagabond had the longest unrefuelled range of the four V-bombers but also had the lowest speed and ceiling and was soon relegated to recconnaisance duties.










The new Tu-95RT from SF2:NA





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"Thoose blokes over at MiG stole our engine licence! And they put it into a great fighter! Jolly good show of them! But we need to show them proper Gentlemen does not accept defeat so easily."


"Break out the Bear plans. Make a copy, but a better one. That will show them. Oh, and bring me the tea. Black."

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LOL I must admit, I find this unique aircraft quite elegant.

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"Thoose blokes over at MiG stole our engine licence! And they put it into a great fighter! Jolly good show of them! But we need to show them proper Gentlemen does not accept defeat so easily."


"Break out the Bear plans. Make a copy, but a better one. That will show them. Oh, and bring me the tea. Black."

But we English types drink our tea with milk... thanks...


Spinners looks good I must admit...

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