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Will send you an PM with all references I got! ;-)

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got frustrated and just wrapped the stock skin. if you look in the screenshot thread you can see a amusing pink shade i used to get things lined up better. still couldnt get the tan shade in _2 to match the shade in _3 exactly but you have to look closely me thinks to notice (as i was making it and most of the established modders here i know would notice). gonna work on a HI tailcode as it meshes in with another project of mine. givin the thud the same love i gave AF Phantoms, at least as far as decals go.

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Looking damn good DA!

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Great work DA. One of my favourite a/c in one of my favourite camo schemes. Win Win.

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Spinners, i strongly suspect new ANG unit histories from you when i release this!!! SupGen, this project took me abit longer than i anticipated but i undertook it to improve skinning and CS6 skills. im afraid F/G will be abit further down the road if i tackle it at all. to all following, gonna make a Desert skin (same pattern, just coloring diff's), black Thud nums and a "HI" tailcode as well as AFRES marking. Soulfreak would you be willing to make and ini dance the nose arts('My Karma', 'StarDust 6')? if so i'll release with a decal ini for historical seriel num release and what-if with stockish numbers.

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I´m sorry mate.

I have 5 Projects on going by now and my free time is very limited!

Elsewise i had done it.....

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understood. main reason i've put so much work in on this is been sidelined from with the flu so no work or school. getting black numbs done up now, first three will be historical. prob will release w/o the nose arts for now tho. not hard to make the decal, its the decal ini dance to place it correctly, not to mention that not all nose arts were in the same place. no worries, a project for 2013 as i said somewhere before is to give the Thud the same decal/unit treatment as i gave AF Phantoms. will update then with nose arts if someone hasnt beat me to it.




no worries tho folks it'll be a quick two weeks.................

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its uploaded gents. Spinners, i wanna know which country gets em by the weekend :biggrin: personally, given i tested in Piecemeals Desert terrain, i think Dhimar is a natural to fly in the desert.


for those that want historical, first 3 serials are the ones that actually flew these colors. even lists em in the drop down menu.

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Hi guys!

I just downloaded the F-105 skins by DA and since he included the templates I tweaked them up some, just some minor stuff, a few seams and tweaked the color matching some. I also added more detail by superimposing the "silver" textures on top (sort of like a fake template with all the detail to add more definiton to the otherwise "flat" bits), works pretty good. DA thought I should put them up for download so I am just going to fix a few minor tidbits first then upload. If you have suggestions, put them forward now.


Screenies (Tail codes are wrong, I know):




Tweaked colors and a few seams fixed. New fuel tanks.





Few seams. Still need to make fuel tanks.




Mostly just the detailing


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Centurion, I got the 1/32 Decals for the wrap around F-105s.

If you are interested i can send them to you for detailed skinning....

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Will send them in a few hours, when I´m back home!

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@Soulfreak and Centurion

sent Centurion the big sheet you sent me. would have responded sooner but got up a little late this morning

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also the placement and the views of the camo paimtings?

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yep the top/bottom views, side views and decal sheet. dont recall anything else, but those views of the camo were big enough to help the blindest amongst us! was thinking of revisiingt it for more historical accuracy on the patterns on the next school break, but i was hopped up on cold meds and opted for a wraparound of the stock skin. still i didnt think it was bad for a guy on drugs (well Nyquil and sudafed)

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