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To everybody in this community, and especially the modders.




All of your works have completely transformed this sim, into something that I never thought it would become.




Over the years, I have wished that I could get into modding, so that I can give something back, but I can't :-(

Might sound like a fob off, but it isn't.


For those who don't really know me, I'm 45 years old, I'm a network engineer and an IT consultant. I'm married with three kids. I usually work ~ 10 hours a day, and whilst i would love to do some modding, by the time I have got home and spent some time with the family, I only get a little 'sim time'. Part of me feels guilty for not being able to contribute. But, nearly every day I drop onto this page to see what is new. I really really hope that TK does the same. You guys are one of the best groups of people I have ever been involved with, and as I have said to Dave a few times, I WILL get my ass to the U.S one day, hopefully to meet some of you.


So, from me at least, if you are a modder, even if you are working on something which you consider simple, always know that your work is appreciated.


And a special thanks to the Combatace guys for always keeping this page active.


Cheers all,



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I have to tell you, the worst thing about beeing a modder is I am so busy making my own projects so I have barely any time playing them :drinks:

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I'm in the same boat but I moderate my guilt by contributing to the site. :good:

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That's what I was gonna say ... "If you can't Mod, Purchase a Subscription". It'll help cover the cost of site maintence, and is one hell of a thank you, keeping the doors open.


glad to see you're back AJ!

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You're welcome AJ and glad to see you around again!

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