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I just asked for more room for them .......................


The Dutch skin above is that by Muesli edited ... I coul make a new one with my own temps.


I saw a grey one somewhere, too.



Yep, I know they are from Muesli, flying them very happily in SF1. Never saw a grey one but there were a few with US style navyblue tops and sides and the underside in (again) very light green.





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Here the whole Cuban pack (FAEC-FAR) done:








@ Carlo: thank you master.


@ Derk: I'll make a new dutch serie.

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Here the IRAQI




Edited by paulopanz
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Guess thats it Paul,:good: only the pattern on top of the engine cowling remains (if possible...)



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Not so easy due the model mapping but not bad ....

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You have i t now Paulo, well done !!!!:drinks: (and of course Muesli for his original job !!!)

Edited by Derk

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I just whipped something up back then.....

Paulo is the magician!

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... no magic here, but some small but nice updates






.... as You can see at last I found the propeller, so you can see it from cockpit (and without the nose black stripes ...) and when the engine is turned off.



[the original model haven't these features ..]

Edited by paulopanz

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post-5138-0-89243900-1343689894.jpg 860 sq NAS Valkemburg 1948


post-5138-0-01695000-1343689902.jpg 3 sq 1950


post-5138-0-37523200-1343689909.jpg 860 sq Aerobatics 1953


post-5138-0-02433500-1343689917.jpg 860 sq HNMS K. Doorman 1956


post-5138-0-59901500-1343689921.jpg MLD 1950 (unit unknown)


post-5138-0-46062500-1343689926.jpg 3 sq 1956


[to refit: RCN; RAN & FAA]

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