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MJ...Site Improvements

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Mad Jeff,

I just wanted to take the opportunity to say that I really like the look of the Home Page for this Site. You are doing an awesome job keeping up the site and BioHazcentral has fastly grown to be My Favorite Hangout.



You da Man MJ!!!!! 8)



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Thanks bud, it's always nice to hear sonmeone notice. :lol:


It's funny, but you guys must have some kind of telepaths or something, every time I start to question what my reasons are for spending time on this, someone sends me a email or posts a message complimenting the site. :)

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Guest Ranger332

why would you ever dought :D :thumbup:

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My opinion before the new look




My opinion now

Looks great!!

I still stand 100% behind my earlier review , I would just like to add that while the content continues to be up to date and very informative, The added features are great and the look is very professional. I find the ease of navigation a big plus, as there is no hunting through tons of pages to find what you are looking for. It's all right there at the click of a mouse.

I've noticed also that the community here is growing by the day. And as usual, the support provided by the admins is top rank.


Thanks MJ, for a great place!!!

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Yeah what Eagle said. I hate it when what you looking for is hidden beneath piles of links. Obscurity is not user friendly.

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I agree with all the above!! Thanks for your hard work MJ!! We all appreciate it!!-Sledge

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Jeff, look slike you've got a winner here! :wink:

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