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AGM-119 Penguin without the folding wings?

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Does anyone have an AGM-119 Penguin without the folding wings?





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yes , but the mapping and skin is not finish yet :grin:


and i´m looking still for some pictures of the tailsection with the rocketmotor , the AGM-119A has no booster section only the sustainer and i dont know how it looks like , i only have picture from the AGM-119B (booster section)


it was suppose to be part of the European F-16 pack but somehow i forgot to finish it



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Not sure how the Mk2 & 3 adapt into the US AGM-119 A/B but here's the two different types of nozzles. ***EDIT*** - Found this, they're - Mk3 is AGM-119A and Mk2 is AGM-119B so backwards to how you'd imagine.


Rear of a Mk3 - Solid fins with single Rocket nozzle as a Sustainer.




Rear of a Mk2 - Folding fins with Booster/Sustainer. Multiple Outer nozzles for booster and inner single nozzle for sustainer.




Hope that helps!

Edited by ianh755

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yap the upper one is the AGM-119A with fix wings and sustainer rocketmotor only the lower picter is the AGM-119B with the Booster and the foldet wings


thangs Ian that helps

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Nice work, I look foward to the finished result! :drinks:

  On 8/23/2012 at 5:52 PM, ravenclaw_007 said:

yes , but the mapping and skin is not finish yet :grin:


and i´m looking still for some pictures of the tailsection with the rocketmotor , the AGM-119A has no booster section only the sustainer and i dont know how it looks like , i only have picture from the AGM-119B (booster section)


it was suppose to be part of the European F-16 pack but somehow i forgot to finish it


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here is the AGM-119A for testing , includet are the weapon , effect and the ini changes for the F-16Am_nor








Edited by ravenclaw_007

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Nice work as always...

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Great job on the missile, absolutely love your work.

Pictures of the Penguin, loaded on F-16, show some kind of adaptor fitted to the pylon, similar to the one used for AGM-88.

May be it is good to activate the "rail launched" option in the data.ini and assign the missile to the respective pylon with ARM rail fitted.

Will test later tonight to see if the result looks good.

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yap , i have pictures showing this adaptor pylon as well but with the rail launched option the missile is firing straight from the pylon and is no longer droping


i may add the adaptor to the F-16AM_Nor_lod and upload the lod here later i only have to figure out how to set it up because it will effect all EOGR weapons (maybe with a specific station code)

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Just figured out that the F-16AM_NOR lod does not include the HARM adaptor...

I wonder if the Release Animation entries, the one for delay more specificly, will have an effect over the firing secuence with rail launched option activated???

I have never fiddled with these settings before.


Maybe a new set of dedicated middle pylons with incorporated adapter will be required just for the Penguin to show and drop properly and a SpecificStationCode entry to prevent other EOGR from being loaded on the AGM-119 specific pylon. Not sure how much work that means...

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i will take a look at it , if i find a way to do it i will upload the result here

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this is the complete F-16AM_NOR with AGM-119 adaptor new F16_007 texture in every skin and a cockpit that shows the AGM-119A correctly now on all the stations


it works perfect with the AGM-119A from above




thats it no more that i can do on this bird :grin:




Edited by ravenclaw_007

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something is a bit odd


download F-16AM_Nor = 142

download AGM-119A = 13


the changes are made for that missile with out that missile you dont need that aircraft :grin:

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