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zzzspace REAL SOUND v1.0 for DCS World
zzzspace, in Digital Combat Simulator Series File Announcements
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By dapit
Hello everyone,
If you have Combined Arms module, AND you are interrested in a Anti submarine Mission using S-3 Viking ;
you might want to take a look at my mission here ;
But to get that picture, you will have to find it and successfully attack it.
Have a good one...
By MigBuster
DCS World 2.5 recently came out of Beta and was released fully to the public. Primarily this means that there is again only one DCS version in development and 2.5 replaces 1.5 as the major branch for players, hopefully simplifying things a bit. The old 1.5 version will still be available for now but will not be developed further I understand.
If you were not aware DCS has been going through a transition period where the old 1.5 game engine was being used alongside several Beta versions including 2.2 and 2.5 which could do a few things 1.5 could not.
A-10C - yes the engines are just big hair dryers and produce power accordingly
New features
The main change with the DCS World 2.5 game engine was the transition to Direct X 11 (DX11) from Direct X 9 (DX9), so a major overhaul of the graphics engine that can utilise more modern techniques and hardware.
F-5E flies through the valley of the trees
R.I.P. Graphics Card
Unfortunately, it appears my graphics card is at the low end of the spectrum for this game. My trusty MSI GTX 780 which I obtained solely because I knew it ran BMS Falcon 4 at the time is sitting at max puff, and despite my best efforts to fiddle with the GFX settings is not doing much more than warming up the room after 10 mins of playtime. I do actually get around 80 to 140 fps on the rather low settings, but I am still getting stutter at low level over the building and trees so have had to turn off Antialiasing.
Sadly, although the move from DX9 to DX11 will benefit the game for the future, for me at the moment on my rig it looks far worse than Strike Fighters 2 (DX10) and BMS Falcon (DX9) because I can max them out. That shouldn’t put too many off hopefully. I am like many waiting for the new NVIDIA 2080/1180 or whatever, and hoping sanity prevails and virtual currency miners stop buying up all the cards to make an extra 3 dollars a year.
Revamped Caucasus - might look better with some new hardware
Unified Terrain Maps
With the v2.5 release I could finally install the Nevada map that I purchased in 2015 and run it alongside the revamped Caucasus map and even think about getting some Nevada campaigns. Previously Nevada only worked in the Beta versions so I was only using the old Caucasus map in 1.5 up to now.
The Draken MiG-21bis pilot hoped to pick up some bargains from the shopping mall later
The Sun my eyes!
3D trees
Not just 3D trees but collideable 3D trees, and this along with the 3D buildings is where a lot of the extra system resource is required. This will certainly make things more interesting for Chopper pilots!
Some may remember as clouds and 2D trees were introduced to Strike Fighters through patches and mods that the system requirements to run them also increased exponentially. Some asked TK back them to optimise the game engine – and with SF2 there was a big revamp in the engine, but still required a lot more power to run it. Today I think I run it on max settings through brute force computing power as opposed to code optimisation.
Trees - thousands of em!
Las Vegas is vast in size and polycount
By HomeFries
View File Integrated Nations for DCS World
Switzerland by CHSubZero
USN/USMC by Home Fries
This mod allows your logbook pilot to fly for Switzerland, the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps in addition to the default nations. The USN and USMC "countries" have their own sets of insignia and share a set of medals. Additionally, the option is there to update the USAF medals from the default medals (three of which are incorrect) to the actual USAF medals that can be earned for valor in air combat. Regardless of whether you choose to update the USAF medals, the existing default USA medals will now include the "Combat V" as applicable..
Note: the default alliance matrix keeps the USN and USMC as "neutrals", so that you still only need to make a "USA" unit in the mission editor. This just keeps things simple, at least until the F-14 or F/A-18C is released.
The mod also adds certain aircraft to different nations. Predominantly, the F-4 Phantom II has been added to nations who flew it historically (including USA, UK, Australia), most of the Eastern Bloc aircraft have been added to the USA inventory for scenario flexibility, and the MiG-29A has been added to Georgia and the Insurgents to provide more interesting scenarios.
Finally, this mod is compatible with the Hellenic Air Force (HAF)mod version 1.05, though it requires that the HAF mod be installed first, and that this mod be disabled prior to reparing or removing the HAF mod.
This assumes that you already have a working JSGME installation for DCS World. If you know just enough to spell JSGME, I recommend looking here for details on using JSGME with DCS World:
Big takeaway: don't create a folder called "MODS" within DCS World (this is already taken). Call your JSGME Mod folder something like "_MODS" or "GME_MODS".
If you are updating the previous version of this mod, perform the following steps:
In DCS World, set your default logbook to a pilot with a default nation. Create a new pilot if required (see "Disabling this mod" below).
Exit DCS World and disable the old logbook mod.
Delete the old mod, as the folder naming scheme has been updated for the new release.
Extract the folders in this archive to your JSGME Mod folder.
How you proceed with setting up the logbook mod is up to you.
To install the logbook mod without the Hellenic Air Force Mod:
Enable the "Logbook - Integrated Nations (Master)" mod.
If you wish to use the Hellenic Air Force mod with this logbook mod, you must install the HAF mod first. Then you can proceed with the following steps:
Enable the "Logbook - Integrated Nations (Master)" mod.
Install either the "Logbook - Integrated Nations (HAF Compatibilty Patch)"
Install the "Logbook - Integrated Nations - Correction for US Air Force (optional) & HAF Compatibility Patch".
If you have an existing USN or USMC pilot in your logbook from a previous install, then manually update your logbook (see below).
Note that you will need to disable this mod in order to repair or uninstall the HAF mod.
Manually Updating your Existing Logbook:
If you use the USAF Correction or the HAF mod, it may be necessary to manually update the entries in your existing logbook. This section covers those eventualities.
Either way, find your logbook file, which is located at:
C:\Users\<user name>\Saved Games\DCS\MissionEditor\logbook.lua
Be sure to back it up prior to making any edits.
Next open it in a text editor such as Notepad++ (Windows Notepad is not recommended).
Hellenic Air Force Compatibilty:
If you have an existing USN or USMC pilot that you need to make compatible with the HAF mod, find the pilot that has a ["countryId"] of 22 or 23 and add 1 to the value (22 becomes 23 and 23 becomes 24). Note: this does not apply to a Greek pilot with a ["countryId"] = 22.
Next, find the section called ["awards"]. If any of the subsections are [22] or [23] and one of the awards listed is
[1] = "Navy & Marine Corps Achievement Medal",
then add one to these subsections just like you did with ["countryId"]
USAF Medals:
If you have an experienced USA pilot who has the original medals by ED, and you wish to apply the correct medals with this logbook mod, then you will need to manually substitute the old default USAF medals with the proper entries so that they display properly.
Under your pilot, in the section called ["awards"], you should find and replace the existing medals as follows (up to the number that you have):
[2] = { [1] = "Air Force Achievement Medal", [2] = "Air Force Commendation Medal", [3] = "Air Medal", [4] = "Distinguished Flying Cross", [5] = "Legion of Merit", [6] = "Silver Star", [7] = "Air Force Cross", [8] = "Medal of Honor (Air Force)", }, -- end of [2]
You should now see the appropriate USAF medals in your logbook.
Australian Medals:
The db_countries.lua file in DCS World 1.2.6 (and 1.2.8 at the time of this writing) lists the medals in the incorrect order, which makes it so you cannot see the medals in your logbook. If you have an Australian pilot and wish to see the medals, enable this mod, then go to your logbook.lua and find the ["awards"] section, as described above. Then on the lines indicating the medals earned, replace the following numbers:
[5] should be [1] [4] should be [2] [2] should be [4] [1] should be [5]
Then with this mod enabled, you should be able to see your Australian medals.
Disabling this mod (for DCS World updates):
Installing the logbook mod is the easy part. However, if you create a USN or USMC pilot, you will need to disable this mod whenever you update DCS World, so I highly recommending adding a "dummy" pilot with one of the default nations.
Whenever you need to disable this mod, be sure to switch your logbook pilot to deFault prior to disabling this mod and applying the update. While you can often just re-enable this mod after updating (and then go back to your pilot), this extra step saveguards your pilot datafile in case the DCS update makes this version of this mod obsolete.
Submitter HomeFries Submitted 10/11/2013 Category DCS Misc. Files
By HomeFries
View File UH-1: HA(L)-3 Seawolves
Scramble Seawolves!
This was the common call in Vietnam when the US Navy Riverine Forces and SEALs needed immediate fire support. Helicopter Attack Squadron (Light) Three (HAL-3), known as the Seawolves, was the most decorated unit in the Vietnam War.
Seawolves flew UH-1B Huey gunships in all weather, day or night, in support of the Brown Water Navy. In fact, most of the missions were conducted at night in inclement weather, which is exactly when the SEALs preferred to operate. HA(L)-3 would conduct Close Air Support, Hot Medivac and Insertion/Extraction of SEAL Teams.
HA(L)-3 was decommissioned in March 1972, near the end of the Vietnam War.
Unit Decorations:
6 Presidential Unit Citations
6 Navy Unit Citations
Meritorious Unit Citation
Vietnam Cross of Gallantry (MUC) Palm
Vietnam Civil Action (Honor) with Palm
Vietnam Presidential Unit Citation
Individual Decorations:
5 Navy Crosses
31 Silver Stars
2 Legions of Merit
219 Distinguished Flying Crosses
156 Purple Hearts
101 Bronze Stars
142 Gallantry Crosses
Over 16,000 Air Medals
439 Navy Commendation Medals
228 Navy Achievement Medals
The Skin (Seawolf 321):
I chose to model the HA(L)-3 UH-1B airframe in the scheme as it now exists on the USS Midway (CV-41) floating museum. Because of the 3D models used for the aircrew, I have skinned the pilots and gunners in contemporary USN flight uniforms. The pilots bear the nametags of LT James R. Walker and LTJG Robert E. Baratko, both of whom were awarded the Navy Cross in service with the Seawolves.
A note about the Crew Chief & Door Gunner:
Since enlisted US troops don't wear rank/rate insignia on flightsuits, their rank/rate is displayed on their nametag. Since there are no specific nametag textures for the crew chief/door gunner texture, I have added a nametag to the velcro on the chest armor (as is standard practice).
In choosing names for the texture, I opted for US servicemembers who received the Medal of Honor. MA2 Michael Monsoor represents the Unites States Navy in this skin. The following is his Medal of Honor citation:
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as Automatic Weapons Gunner for Naval Special Warfare Task Group Arabian Peninsula, in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM on 29 September 2006. As a member of a combined SEAL and Iraqi Army sniper overwatch element, tasked with providing early warning and stand-off protection from a rooftop in an insurgent-held sector of Ar Ramadi, Iraq, Petty Officer Monsoor distinguished himself by his exceptional bravery in the face of grave danger. In the early morning, insurgents prepared to execute a coordinated attack by reconnoitering the area around the element's position. Element snipers thwarted the enemy's initial attempt by eliminating two insurgents. The enemy continued to assault the element, engaging them with a rocket-propelled grenade and small arms fire. As enemy activity increased, Petty Officer Monsoor took position with his machine gun between two teammates on an outcropping of the roof. While the SEALs vigilantly watched for enemy activity, an insurgent threw a hand grenade from an unseen location, which bounced off Petty Officer Monsoor's chest and landed in front of him. Although only he could have escaped the blast, Petty Officer Monsoor chose instead to protect his teammates. Instantly and without regard for his own safety, he threw himself onto the grenade to absorb the force of the explosion with his body, saving the lives of his two teammates. By his undaunted courage, fighting spirit, and unwavering devotion to duty in the face of certain death, Petty Officer Monsoor gallantly gave his life for his country, thereby reflecting great credit upon himself and upholding the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.
Petty Officer Monsoor is also the namesake of the USS Michael Monsoor (DDG-1001), the second in the upcoming line of Zumwalt Class guided missile destroyers.
Updating from Version 1.03 or earlier:
DCS World 1.2.7 changes the pilot and gunner texture files, so the textures have been updated accordingly in this file. In order to clear out the obsolete files, go to the individual folder and remove the following files:
Copy the folders (except for TempTextures; see below) to your Liveries\uh-1h folder (either in DCS World\Bazar or Saved Games\DCS).
The release of DCS World 1.2.4 added the ability to add texture paths using the file "autoexec.cfg" in your Saved Games\DCS\Config folder. This will allow you to save hard drive space as long as the skin filenames are unique. My skins support this, so any DDS file with the same name will be identical.
In order to enable this feature, add the following line to autoexec.cfg (be sure to create the file if it doesn't exist):
table.insert(, "C:/Users/<username>/Saved Games/DCS/Textures")
You can use any path (even a different drive), but you must use forward slashes for your path. Backslashes won't work here.
Then, you can move all of the DDS files from each of the skin folders to this new folder you've added to your path. Allowing overwrites is not a problem, as I use unique names for each file. Finally, be sure to go into each description.lua file and change all "false" entries to "true."
Special thanks to upuaut for assistance with the more "exotic" material names, as well as the assistance with custom rotor colors.
You are free to use any of the textures (e.g. USN helmet) in other skins or projects as long as proper credit is provided in the readme file.
Enjoy, and Fly Navy!
-Home Fries
Submitter HomeFries Submitted 05/15/2013 Category Misc/AI Aircraft Skins
By HungaroJET
View File 3GO-MW Su-27 Flanker model for DCS-World / FC3
Su-27 Flanker for DCS-World (based on 3GO Su-27 v1.5 model) v.098e-7570
How to "install":
(probaly you will need to "reinstall" if the Auto-updater touched your program)
Put all files into DCS World folder
Please edit manually the following two files: Graphics.cfg and PlaneConst.lua
(Step 2., 3., 4. is not essential)
Open graphics.cfg file with an editor in DCS World\Config folder and search for these rows:
path = ".\\Bazar\\World\\textures\\WorldTexturesTGA3";
path = ".\\Bazar\\World\\textures\\WorldTexturesTGA2";
path = ".\\Bazar\\World\\textures\\WorldTexturesTGA";
copy and paste this row into graphics.cfg at VFSTexturePaths section near ...WorldTexturesTGA...rows
path = ".\\Bazar\\World\\textures\\Su-27-3GO";
Make a backup/copy of your original PlaneConst.lua file in DCS World\Scripts\Database folder
you will need to edit PlaneConst.lua file in DCS World\Scripts\Database folder for row ~214 and edit gear position rows:
it should be look like after you edited:
-- main_gear_pos = {-0.537, -2.186, 2.168},
main_gear_pos = {-0.587, -2.16, 2.168},
radar_can_see_ground = true,
-- nose_gear_pos = {5.221, -2.186, 0},
nose_gear_pos = {4.021, -2.175, 0},
(Nose Wheel and Main Wheel corrections - More real: "nose lowering" movement when braking, tyre "compression" and turning on ground)...known small bug: AI nose tyre touchdown
Delete original Su-27 liveries from ...Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Bazar\Liveries\su-27
Backup folders and files included here...Backup-Old-CMD-Su-27
(original 3D model files will not overwritten, except broken wings and seperated canopy model but these files are also in "Backup-Old-CMD-Su-27" folder)
That's all
If you like this and my other addons/mods please donate me here:
Thank You
Please write comments, problems, ideas, suggestions here:
If you downloaded please read the "Read_Me.txt" file - if you are a skin maker
Submitter HungaroJET Submitted 12/03/2012 Category DCS Aircraft Mods