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Hello all,


I looked and didn't quite find what I was after - so if this has been asked, I apologize.



I’m trying to expand the extent of carrier missions available from just the default USN campaign missions. Looking to see how to

  1. Amend an existing Vietnam campaign to fly as en USMC pilot on either F-8 or F-4 embarked squadron – say VMFA-333, VMFA-325, etc.
  2. Fly some non-campaign missions (ODS type) in say SF2:I from carriers. A-7E in low-vis, that type of thing. So how to add a carrier start to a mission.
  3. Find some recommendations around suitable replacement carriers (a bit higher def) for USN/USMC and/or RN FAA operations. I’ve seen some carrier packs, but it appears they’re for the SF2:NA title. I have all the “2” series except for the NA title. Have an XP machine – so it looks like NA is no/go for me right now.


Thanks so much,



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1 - In the campaign data.ini something like this would do it - if carriers are setup in the campaign.










BaseArea=Yankee Station <----------

CarrierBased=TRUE <---------------

CarrierNumber=66 <----------------





2. What patch are you on - in SF2NA (which added a ton of new Naval features) you just add a carrier to the groundobject folder and a normal single mission will choose it when you pick a carrier based aircraft automatically. Before this you had to script a custom single mission - or if you have the mission editor you might be able to do it through that (someone else can answer that Im sure)

Edited by MigBuster

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Hello MB - thanks for writing.


1. Cool - got a nice USMC VMF-235 campaign going off CVN-61 with the stock F-8E. I'm assuming I could also change out not just the formation for this campaign, but even assign a completely new aircraft altogether. That's a great file to know about.


2. Regarding missions - my setup is patched to Nov 2011. As I said earlier, I have all the 2nd gen titles except for NA. If this helps you help me how to allow individual missions to launch from carriers, I'd be much obliged.


Thanks so much!

Edited by deltalima

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deltalima you can run SF2:NA in windows XP. I'm doing it and so are many others.

Then you can fly carrier based game generated single missions without having to set them up in the mission editor.

The thread linked below (and the thread linked in that thread) shows you how:




Once you've done that you should download this mod which will give you the naval maps for the stock terrains as well as some of the most popular add on terrains too.:



Hope that helps.

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Sheesh ... just when I thought I had already forked out enough $$$ ... now you guys want me to buy yet another title ... :)


Well, I was secretly not too disapointed initially about the NA+XP thing for the following objections:


1) old machine (2.4 Ghz, 3 GB Ram, GeForce 9800 GT) - so while it runs the other titles well, (most settings to max), I was concerned about how NA would run. Experts opinions welcome here.

2) NA seemed to be focused on, well, the North Atlantic - seemed kind of uninteresting (as opposed to the Med, Carribean, SEA, etc). I guess that's purpose of the Water Maps Mod?

3) I'm just getting to enjoy the transitionto the 2nd gen mods. I'm hoping they work in NA?


If these objections get resolved, I just may spring for NA ... :)





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1) I'm not an expert but I think my system is older than yours with less RAM and I've got no real problems with speed.


2) Like all of the SF2 games you can add what you want - Want to fly a CAP off the coast of Libya in an F-14 or F/A-18 or a Strike on a nuclear site in Korea in a F/A-18E, F-35, B-1 or F-22? Maybe you want to fly an F-14 TARPs recon over Syria in the 1980's and follow it up with an Alpha Strike with A-7s or A-6s from the carrier or just fancy a quick single mission over Vietnam flying an F-8 from a carrier? If you've installed the mods you can fly the mission.


3) SF2:NA is part of the SF2 series so the 2nd Gen mods work fine. Remember, if you've read the linked threads above yet, you'll see that you're creating your NA install from a reguar SF2 install anyway.

Edited by allenjb42

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Sheesh ... just when I thought I had already forked out enough $$$ ... now you guys want me to buy yet another title ... :)


Well, I was secretly not too disapointed initially about the NA+XP thing for the following objections:


1) old machine (2.4 Ghz, 3 GB Ram, GeForce 9800 GT) - so while it runs the other titles well, (most settings to max), I was concerned about how NA would run. Experts opinions welcome here.

2) NA seemed to be focused on, well, the North Atlantic - seemed kind of uninteresting (as opposed to the Med, Carribean, SEA, etc). I guess that's purpose of the Water Maps Mod?

3) I'm just getting to enjoy the transitionto the 2nd gen mods. I'm hoping they work in NA?


If these objections get resolved, I just may spring for NA ... :)






NA added a ton of stuff - not just all the ships and new aircraft, but naval warfare, populated carriers, cruise missile attacking AI - but Its not supported on XP at all - and I think for XP you have to use the old terrain because its a DX10 game only. Also thats a single core PC you have only ? (must be 7 years old?)

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NA added a ton of stuff - not just all the ships and new aircraft, but naval warfare, populated carriers, cruise missile attacking AI - but Its not supported on XP at all - and I think for XP you have to use the old terrain because its a DX10 game only. Also thats a single core PC you have only ? (must be 7 years old?)


Indeed, MB, about 5 years old - definitely not DX10. I think I'll fly the pants out of the current titles, upgrade the PC, then get NA. I know I'll like it, but on a decent PC. I'll keep digging to see if there's a way to start single missions in the old titles - I'm sure there is.


HF, that sounds like a clever pack, as have all the other recommendations.


thanks for all the replies.

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Just so you know, malibu43 has included instructions on how to make the campaigns non-NA compatible as well. The campaigns will also be available in the upcoming SF2 Realism Pack, though there's no release timeframe yet.

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