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FC3 AFM Missile Improvement Details

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Matt Wagner has posted some info behind what the AFM does for the missiles improvments.

There have been a lot of questions of what the new FC3 Advanced Flight Model (AFM) for missiles entails, so here is description of some of the new features:

  • Launcher platform speed, thrust, missile weight, total drag, gravity, etc. are all calculated to determine missile speed.
  • Missiles now incur realistic energy bleed that accounts for drag, induced drag and gravity. Induced drag calculates g-load and that factors the missile’s lift. Missiles will now bleed energy very quickly if the target performs hard maneuvers.
  • We added a longitudinal-load fuze arming type. The missile warhead of missile will only be armed after reaching the assigned longitudinal g-load (acceleration). Otherwise the missile will not detonate.
  • We added a limited duration to the missile’s power system (gas-generator, generator and hydraulic pump). When the onboard power system is exhausted, the missile goes ballistic.
  • We added a self-destruction timer. Some missiles will self-destruct when the timer is reached.
  • We added altitude based of self-destruction. Some missiles will destruct when reaching an assigned altitude above ground level.
  • We added a guidance timer delay. After launching a missile, the missile will fly straight from the from launcher for safety reasons before initiating the guidance stage. This is typically 0.3…1.5 seconds. For example: the R-27R missile flies unguided forward for 0.5 seconds before guidance to target starts.
  • We added parameters of loft trajectory. The initial range to target, the range of transition to proportional navigation, and initial angle of loft are all factored.

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If this all works, it could make fighting AA in FC/DCS actually worthwhile.

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funny as Thirdwire modeling had alot of those since well allways...


mind you, I'm newbie to DCSW

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No changes to missile seeker logic so I predict the same game killing bugs present in FC2 will be present in FC3. Regardless of their wonderful new AFM.

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Oh, you mean as far as ECM/ECCM and all that? That would be unfortunate.

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No he means actual ability to engage targets. The AIM-120 is terrible. This is a missile that has no equal in the world yet flies like an AIM-7E, The AIM-7 in this sim is better than the AIM-120. WTF?

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Oh, I know I always take 4 9's and 4 7's when I fly the F-15 in FC2!


Actually, the 120 is a decent replacement for the 9's. Use it as a dogfight missile and you get better range with roughly the same PK!


But wingmen don't let wingmen do BVR with 120s...in FC.

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Please visit News3D.eu and register,we're talking about all of the DCS and Lock ON game

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