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The Adventures of U.S.S William D Porter

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Do you ever get sick of hearing about "the greatest generation"? For over 60 years now, it's been all "they survived the Depression" this and "they defeated the Nazis" that and "they never looked stupid in hats." Well, not everything the heroes of the 20th century did was pitch perfect. For example, the WWII destroyer USS William D. Porter was easily the stupidest ship ever launched. If ships were people, this one would be the kid who ate paste off a stick. And then almost killed the president by accident. So when we say that this ship's service played out in exactly the way it would if it had been a hastily scripted Adam Sandler comedy, we're not exaggerating.


So, it is afternoon here in Sweden and I tought we should relax with some War Stories. I present to you, the Cracked Dot Com Article, The 5 Craziest War Stories (That all happened on the same ship...)





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Why isn't there a movie about that?!

Maybe cause' the viewers will die of laughter.

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Why isn't there a movie about that?!


No one would believe it?

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Glad i wasn't on that boat....

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Why isn't there a movie about that?!

Why isn't there a movie about that?!

All of Charlie Sheen, Jim Carrey, Ben Stiller, Will Ferrell, Rowan Atkinson and Sacha Baron Cohen were already engaged on other projects...

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Actually, I think Martin Sheen, Charlies' dad, served on the Porter. I thought he was the captain though. Perhaps he changed his name......

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