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a persisting problem of mine. I've edited the viewlist.ini and individual cockpit.ini for the aircraft, so when panning around with the mouse, i can pretty much go for any angle even directly stare back at the seat.


however when using trackir, the view angle is still restricted as if it's still default values?


I couldn't find any relevant entry in the data files. Am I missing something?

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I change this in the cockpit.ini (a-6A_cockpit.ini) for the jets I have with bubble canopies:









MaxYaw=179 <-----degrees

MinYaw=-179 <-----degrees




Then in Viewlist.ini


In each class find these entries (apply to all jets globally)



LimitPitch=FALSE -----> look up down - FALSE allows more freedom so I use it

LimitYaw=TRUE ------> Set to FALSE to enable 180 all round - I keep this limited myself so I cant cheat in jets with a poor rear view.






You also need to disable trueview in TrackIR for zooming out properly at angles

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re-checked and already did that


every class in viewlist.ini


doesn't have effect for trackir nonetheless :blink:

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Well it does work - what path are you putting the extracted files into? - specifically viewlist.ini

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Flight subfolder under the mod folder. i can tell the edits take effect since i changed some other things. But tir angle range is still somehow limited. for example with the mouse i can check my 6 o'clock high:



but with tir this is the best i can do



it wouldn't go any further back.....

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are you sure that you're just not losing "signal" with the camera when you turn too far?

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are you sure that you're just not losing "signal" with the camera when you turn too far?



i'm getting paranoid to wonder if tir view is coded or something, i've searched my extracted files, here, tw bbs, SimQH, all mention just viewlist and cockpit ini which i've already edited.


anyone can actually check six o'clock high with the TIR but not the mouse?....

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I can use TIR to look freely in pitch and yaw anywhere in the cockpit by editing the viewlist.ini file:








File placed in:

C:\Users\Stephen\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic\Flight

Edited by streakeagle

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Did you change your MaxPitch? I seem to recall that can interfere with checking six o'clock high in my testing.









MaxPitch=90 <-----degrees

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anyone can actually check six o'clock high with the TIR but not the mouse?....


I can

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I can use TIR to look freely in pitch and yaw anywhere in the cockpit by editing the viewlist.ini file


check pic, i CANNOT do this with tir (this is my mouse). tir simply can't yaw directly 180deg back, but more like 145deg as in the pic above:




i do have unlimited pitch up and down it seems


My cockpit ini:






viewlist goes C:\Users\Adam\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Flight


that should be all, right?

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I didn't need to change the cockpit.INI to be able to use all degrees, just needed to change the viewlist.ini

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check pic, i CANNOT do this with tir (this is my mouse). tir simply can't yaw directly 180deg back, but more like 145deg as in the pic above:


I can do that without any problem at all.

The cockpit ini settings don't matter as the viewlist parameters are like a master key in disabling all limits.

I used to have the TrackIR limits in SFP1/WoX series no matter what ini settings I used, but I have not had that problem in SF2 (not sure when it was "fixed").

I am running SF2 to the latest patch level, but had realized the limits of SFP1/WoX had been removed from SF2 long ago.

I would check your TrackIR profile and make sure it is not preventing you from turning around 180 degrees.

I am using a TrackIR 4 Pro with the latest software from natural point and I can easily exceed 180 degrees on the virutal sphere co-ordinate grid when turning my head left or right.

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Tangentially on topic, but I add the following lines to the [CockpitSeat001] section of my cockpit.ini files:


This allows lateral movement in the X/Z (really X/Y) axes with TrackIR. Is there a way to do this in the viewlist so that I don't have to do this for every cockpit I have?

Edited by HomeFries
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thanks gents. using the same profile for other sims without any probs so dunno what went wrong. i'm on the 4.1.038 driver version though, tried updating to version 5.0 but ran into some install error. will see what i can do

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Pretty sure roll is still not implemented in TW games - although feel free to prove me wrong


In the viewlist.ini you might see entries like




so it may have been an intention

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OK final verdict of problem.


TrackIR version 4 driver limits the view angles. version 5 driver sorted it.


pity though, really preferred v4 compact and easy to use unlike the sluggish bloated v5

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Pretty sure roll is still not implemented in TW games - although feel free to prove me wrong


In the viewlist.ini you might see entries like




so it may have been an intention


Yeah, I've seen that, I have fiddled with it but it won't turn on

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Driver version doesn't affect me much.

It takes very little time for me to set up the one profile I like for all my games, I save it, and then never really look at it again.

I didn't realize that the ability to look 180 was a TrackIR driver problem rather than a Third Wire feature.

I just realized one day that I could look all the way around if I wanted to.

Usually I am too lazy to edit the viewlist and just play stock anyway.

Edited by streakeagle

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