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ok, as many of you know, the KAW terrain has actually been ready to go for many moons. However, most of the aircraft are not. OTH, 98.6% of the GroundObjects are. As are all the weapons.


As some may have anticipated, the terrain's release is imminent; "as is" (ie: 95% Real World) even without all the necessary aircraft.


So, the question is ...


how should I package the needed ground objects? Together with the terrrain? As is stands, the terrain alone, zipped should be approx 100meg (its over 1 gig unzipped)

Including them will make it exceptionally heavy


Release them seperately?


List opinions/thought below.


many thanks!

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We've had other heavy weights, however, given the download instability in certain conditions for some people, it might be a good idea to release it in multiple parts, because having to download a very large archive to have it failing at the last moment and having to restart all is a real pain... (btw, Erik, if you're around, is the fact that Range doesn't seem to work for download resume a configuration problem with CA's server ? I never had it working properly on CA and never bothered to check, also, having checksums for downloads would help).

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As a Campaign Maker, there is nothing I hate more then having to sort out any GroundObjects I do not want. Well, Ground War then... but sorting out unwanted objects comes a close second :beach:


So kindly, put them separately. In the same 7zip or as a different entry altogether, I do not care.

Edited by JonathanRL

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Yeah, I think it would be easier for you as the uploader, and us as the downloaders, to package ground objects separately. That way ground objects can be added and updated without having to re-upload (or re-download) the 100MB+ terrain again.

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:biggrin: lets take a poll on whether there should be a poll.


seriously tho, there shouldn't be a physical prob going all in but i think most here would rather the Ground objects be separate if not part of a campaign.

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I don't belive in polls ... I'm completly a-poll-itical :biggrin:


don't forget, since it has all the slots for 'modern' stuff, you're gonna be needing SAMs too. All AD unit callouts are generic, which f***s up the one SA-5 battery the NKs have ... oh well!!


seperate GOs it is, although I should be able to slip in the Guns and Weapons folders as well

Edited by Wrench
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