+ST0RM 145 Posted December 25, 2013 Rejected as already used, but thanks anyway. Merry Christmas! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 12,018 Posted December 25, 2013 The code worked fine for me. Gave me 3 days of premium. It could be, that it was not yet activated at US Server. Try it later again. I now reached the T-54. This was the aim, what i have set for myself a long time ago. The T-44 was hard work, but satisfying. Had a nearly 1:1 kill rate, what is not bad for a med tier 8. But the gun was underpowered in comparision with other tier 8 med guns. For credit farming i found a new fine tank. Its the A-43 of the soviet med line which was introduced with patch 8.9 or 8.8. On the first view it is a waste of time and money, but if you have this tank with top gun, top engine and top tracks and of course a very good crew, then it is the perfect killer. It accelerates very fast, has a top speed of 55kph and is high agile. The S-54 gun is only 76,2 mm, but completly enough for this tank. The camo value of the A-43 seems to be good. Thatswhy i play the A-43 like a fast TD and im very satisfied with it. Here an A-43 screenshot in garage And here in game, the 2.86 means reload time of the gun. Its pretty fast. Yesterday i found a new german tank in game. Its a heavy which you cant buy or develope. Dont know from where he comes. His name VK-7201K Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+76.IAP-Blackbird 3,557 Posted December 25, 2013 You recieve this tank for some clanwar wins. We have recieved a british bonus tank, I have tested it and already sold it. Those premium tanks are totaly crap. The Soviet medium is realy nice, I try to find a way through the chinese stuff, but thosenumber tanks.. I have no relation to them Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+ST0RM 145 Posted December 27, 2013 The code worked despite the error message. Thanks again. Picked up the US T2 Light for the kids. It's fast, but just doesnt survive. The 20mm has too short of a clip, so you dont do hardly any damage to an opponent before youre out. And reload times are longer than needbe. Oh well, the kids like it for training. I got a $25 gift card in my stocking from my son. So I picked up the Soviet T-127. Same gun as my max'd out MS-1 (45mm), but with heavier sloped armor. It's terribly slow in the turn, so I have to think ahead. Honestly, I'm having a lot of fun in the M8A1 TD. I've got the huge 3-pounder uploaded which really packs a punch. I'm working my way to the T-49, but might hold off on selling it too fast. I'm scoring at least 3 kills in it each match, but due to stupid teammates, surviving about 50% of them. Why people insist on charging the open middle is beyond me... Those other missions. Are they only for clans or more of a team concept? I'd like to move away from just doing Random Battles and try something that is more structured. -Jeff Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 12,018 Posted December 29, 2013 If you like the M8 TD, then you will love the T49. Its my favorite TD at all. The T2 Light tank you can use for training other american light tank crews. If you have, for instance, a T71 or Cunningham crew at 90% you can set the guys on the T2 and they will still have their full 90% crew level. So you can bring the crew faster to good conditions. This is for all gold tanks so. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+76.IAP-Blackbird 3,557 Posted December 29, 2013 The T49 is a great sucker as an enemy tank, I prefer the M18, fast enough and a powerfull gun! I love the Hello Kitty! I had a very lucky encounter with a Loraine 40t and I was in a Jagdtiger, the lucker shot me down till my very last HP, I hit him twice and he missed the last shot. I have survived and got him during his escape with a lucky shot. I was nearly dead, a Bat Chat came from behind and missed 3 times .... I managed to hit him twice till a third tank got me.... it was "Himmelsdorf" Not a real TD Map, but a very funny and satisfieing fight Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 12,018 Posted December 29, 2013 I tested the X-mas gift tank at US server today. Its surprisingly good. I had 3 kills at my first game and got 1st class mastery badge. Seems to be, that this tank is underestimated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+ST0RM 145 Posted December 29, 2013 Very frustrating day for me. Out of maybe 20 random battles, our team won 2. On one, it was a total wipeout where the opponents lost zero tanks! Of even more frustration, I'm getting left out to dry when guys rush out towards the enemy and die, leaving me to fight off 4 or more opponents. And, I'm noticing even more people afk and not contributing anything except to the enemy as an easy kill. I think with the free premium code, many new players were able to up-Tier faster and aren't able to fight in their new tanks. They rush out like Tier 1 rookies and die. I tried moving a 100% Soviet Light crew out of the Premium T-127 and into the T-50 but I would have lossed several crew experience points, so I undid it. Odd, as I thought premium had that ability. Again, I ask how to join a more organized method of playing? Do I need to join a group where it's more peer orientated instead of so lopsided. On that sweep battle, one of the opponents said we only had a 9% chance of victory. Based on what? He was right though. But how did he come by that figure? Lastly, I'm hearing of mods being used now that change the game. What's this about? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 12,018 Posted December 30, 2013 I tried moving a 100% Soviet Light crew out of the Premium T-127 and into the T-50 but I would have lossed several crew experience points, so I undid it. Odd, as I thought premium had that ability. Again, I ask how to join a more organized method of playing? Do I need to join a group where it's more peer orientated instead of so lopsided. On that sweep battle, one of the opponents said we only had a 9% chance of victory. Based on what? He was right though. But how did he come by that figure? 1st. not move a 100% T-127 crew into a T-50, but set a 90% T-50 crew into a T-127. It will still have their 90%. You tried it in the wrong way. 2nd. You can join a clan or play in platoons. How exactly this works i cant tell you, because i fight for my own, not in clans etc. 3rd. This is a good question, which i ask myself relativly often. Some folks are able to look into your statistics during the battle and not only after the battle. Perhaps there are some mods which allow this. It seems also to be so, that there are some cheat tools available. Sometimes you are detected over unbelievable long distances and nobody knows how this works. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+76.IAP-Blackbird 3,557 Posted December 30, 2013 3. It`s simple, its called XVM you can configure this mod like you want it and it will show you some nice details ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 12,018 Posted December 30, 2013 Its a kind of cheating for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+ST0RM 145 Posted December 30, 2013 Right before bed, I jumped on one last time. I bought the T49 TD and upgraded it fully, then sold the M8A1. I liked it, but frequently got into matches that were above my level. While the gun was nice, the armor couldn't compete when left alone. With the T49, I completed one battle and killed 4 tanks, and damaging several other resulting in a team win. Finally, I was able to break the chain. I logged off and went to bed. So, my questions again. I see you guys are both pretty experienced. Do you prefer the heavy tanks or tank destroyers? I'm thinking I'm beginning to like the TDs more and more. The mobility of a medium, but the punch of a heavy. Also thinking of moving through the German line of TDs. Any thoughts? How about Soviet? Or others? As for my last question from before. I don't plan on using mods. Like Gepard, I think they are bad for gameplay if they tilt favor dramatically. Thanks gents! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 12,018 Posted December 31, 2013 The major advantage of the T49 over the Hellcat is, that you not have to face to high tiers. With a Hellcat you can come into tier 9 battles and this is not really healthy. The T49 is very mobile, fast and agil. The firepower is adequat, and the armour is weak. What means, hide, fast firing, and then retreat. Avoid to beeing hit. Its best at open maps, like Prokhorovka or Malinovka. The heavy line is a completly other way of fight. You can rely on your good armour and often you can withstand duzends of hits. Your firepower is great, but your speed is normaly slow. I think it is the most easy to handle branch of tanks in WOT. Its a question of temper wheter you like the fast or the slow tanks. Personally i prefer the fast and powerfull vehicles. For the german TD line i loved the Panzerjäger, the Marder and the Marder 38T. With the others i'm not so in love. The STUG and the JagdpanzerIV are not bad, but it is not real fun to fight with them. The soviet TD line is similar to the german TD lines. Good gun power, adequat armour. The american turret TDs are my favorits. Fast, agil, good armament. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+76.IAP-Blackbird 3,557 Posted December 31, 2013 I can recomend the standart TD line with the Stug III in it, the others are very special, like the FlakToaster and the Nashorn. They are very fragile. When you reach the Stug III and have a pottent team, its pure fun in a good position. JgPz IV is a bit more difficult, cause you have the Stug III gun in a higher Tier. The Jagdpanther is giving you alot more fun, it looks cool and is agile enough with good armor. Hulldown and a bit angled upwards the front armor is realy good. The Ferdinand is one of the greatest beasts I have ever driven. The armor is very thick, I fire and start to angle it, Even IS3 bounce on me. You have an integrated fearfactor in this tank. If you defend a side with a few tanks and the enemy spots you, the whole attack comes to a halt. Because of you, than you start to kill one after another. Your Dmg output is around 500 - ,600 HP, and penetration is high enough till Tier IX. The Jagdtiger is special.. I can`t play it, no idea why, but the Ferdi is one of my favorite tanks... Btw I m on the way to the 49 ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+ST0RM 145 Posted December 31, 2013 Thanks for the info again. Seems the TD line is the way to go for my taste in play. Happy New Year! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 12,018 Posted January 4, 2014 At the moment i use my 3 soviet light Gold tanks for updating my T-54 crew. I set, as far as possible, into the Tetrarch, LTP and T-127 and let them fight. In each single battle they gain experience which is helpfull if i set them back into the T-54. As example. When i started with the T-54 i had a reload time of 7.35 seconds. Now i have 7.05 seconds. 0.3 seconds faster reload only by sending the crew into a "gold vehicle" tour. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+ST0RM 145 Posted January 4, 2014 Yeah, I'll keep working on my crew experience. I got rid of the T-50 yesterday and got into the T-34. So far, I'm getting my a$$ handed to me. I still rush out with the group to assist and they get killed quickly due to overconfidence, and the second is due to the lack of hit power against who I've been matched against. That and red arty has been really good, while ours just drives around trying to hide. I wanted to get to Tier V and stay there for a while. Time to start learning the various machines differences and their strength/weaknesses. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 12,018 Posted January 4, 2014 T-34 you must drive like an offensive TD. It becomes good if you get one of the best guns. For me it is the 57mm. Fast, accurate, deadly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+76.IAP-Blackbird 3,557 Posted January 4, 2014 I use the Type 34 cause I wanted to explore the chinese, but I cant get into them, the russian stuff is for me more familiar. I have bought the T49 as you did and enjoy it, the only thing is, its not easy to play. I also recomend one thing, try out the german heavies, learn them to play and than switch ober to T29, you will be a massive beast! And a pain in the Ass for the others! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+ST0RM 145 Posted January 6, 2014 57mm on the T-34 and not the 76mm, eh? Hmm. I've got the 76 mounted now but will buy the 57 and see how I do. I can say that I've gotten extremely good at knocking the tracks off my enemies. I aim usually at the rear deck if I can, to knock out the engine or blow the ammo rack. So my kills aren't as high as they could be, as many get killed after I wound them by other players who pick off those that I started on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 12,018 Posted January 7, 2014 Only fools around in the last days at low tiers. There is a competition who get the highest scores at tier 2 and 3. This is teasing the fools in masses. Yesterday i lost 6 games in row. Can happen, but i lost it always in the same scheme. The TDs, mostly T18, are running forward like kamikaze scouts and dying into the first 90 seconds. The other guys have never heard that tank war is team play and ... Tja, all rubbish. Wont touch the game for the next days till this competition of fools is over. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+76.IAP-Blackbird 3,557 Posted January 7, 2014 Tier V is pretty good balanced, the last games I had 30 kills Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 12,018 Posted January 10, 2014 The last battles with the T-54 were only rubbish. I had only tier 10 battles and with the weak stock gun i had had no chance to do some constructive. I was unable to penetrate the big ugly E100 or Maus or or or. Frustrating. Thatswhy i decided to set me a new aim. And this is the VK3001H. A german tier 5 heavy with weak armour, but good armament. A lot of people hate this tank, because of his weak armour. But I'm really positivly surprised. I had 18 battles now and got so far 21 kills. The first battles were not good, but then i used my free experience to develope the tracks and the turret and with the long 75mm gun (the same as in VK3001D and 3002M) the 3001H is a dangerous vehicle. I love it so far. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+ST0RM 145 Posted January 13, 2014 I took a week long break from the game as, like Gepard said, the morons were out to simply to play in some stupid competition. Yesterday got in a few hours of play. Did ok. About 50% win/loss. I've got to say that the arty did me in so quick on a few battles that I didnt get even one shot off. Must learn to stay clear of known choke points/routes. Even got one-shot'd by a Hellcat. I think he was using gold rounds, but I didnt say anything or care... Some funny stuff getting typed on chat. One guy openly bragged about his mutliple accounts. EU guy and was very loose with calling people names. Even after dying quickly without scoring. Another guy was yelling noob. And so on... One kid was bragging how the holiday exp specials allowed him to rapidly acquire a high Tier heavy, of which he and several others would drive out away from the main group and get murdered. This led to a rapid breakdown and overall team loss. He'd drive it just like a brand new player and die just as quick. Nice to get back into it. But I do have to complain that the Malinovka map we get in Tier 1, kept getting replaced on many of the upper Tiers too. You could literally sit at the starting point and see the other tanks on their side and start shooting from there. To do anything interesting, you had to move to the hill and attack. I dont know what was up with their map selector, but I think it was broken. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+ST0RM 145 Posted January 15, 2014 Used my saved exp point from the Panzer IV to research the medium VK3001P, but not buy it. It was paired with the heavy VK. Which of those are better? I'm leaning toward the Medium, as I hate the slowness of the Heavies. Armor and gun or not. They still come neutered and require a lot of upgrading. But I chose this track because it led to the Tigers. On the T-34 I'm still losing my a$$. I hang back behind the heavies and act as support to knock out a track or engine, but still end up getting killed quickly. I'm torn between the 57mm and 76mm guns as I wasnt getting the punch I need against the high Tier tanks. Both are V level weapons on that tank, but just arent competetive for a snap shot. Although I have started knocking out cannons too, by aiming just below the turret and hitting the ring if time allows. Not helping my mood that I'm stuck at a 39% survive rate. I can score 3-5 kills a match at times, but still get killed by a camper waiting in a hide when I'm the only guy who will advance. Good thing this isnt real life. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites