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what kinds of install do you run

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ok im asking this because im curious


plus i figure finding out what other people run might help me decide what is best for me


ok i will start


currently i am running ...on vista no less ...(this is gonna be hard to believe) mostly the SF1 series (strike fighters,FE+expansion,WOE,WOV,WOI + operation kadesh)

but im not running them on their own as standalone installs


im running currently 3 versions of the game in a directory entitled History of Flight


Part 1 - The Great War (1914-1918) is first eagles and its expansion pack

Part 2 - WW2 and Korea (1938-1955) is WOE patched up to 10/06 as per the tutorial ..but it has no planes or campaigns as of yet - also encompases spanish civil war

Part 3 - The Cold War (1955 - 1991) is WOE with WOV/WOI and Strike Fighters Gold in a manualy merged install, - merged cat files and everything ...the job lot


i am currently pleased with what i have, i have added JSGME to the games and each game has a mod folder ..the idea is i have put any graphical update mods (green hell, IL2 clouds ect) in these files and if i ever experience slowdown i can switch in/out the ones i want quickly using the mod enabler and retain the original files ....i also have a section here for addon aircraft that will add them to the game and update certain campaigns ..yet again retain the original files so i can switch em out easily ......trust me its less of a ballache lol


my next stage of the project involves adding 2 more areas to part 3 because at the moment it contains 2 real campains (vietnam and israel) and 2 fictional (dhimar and central europe) it is thus my intention to get 2 more real ones ...so im currently adding the falklands conflict and operation desert storm ....but to a limited degree im not one for 100% historical accuracy i just want to get the feeling .....witch is why vietnam and israel are left as is


im then going to be working on getting my WW2 and korea part of the sim working ..but recently i hit a somewhat snag / possible saviour to an old problem


see i have always had trouble placing korea ....do i place it in the cold war era age .......or the WW2 install


i have had it as cold war era before .....but doing this screws up the physics on the Corsair


then i got Operation Kadesh and had a bigger problem .....i couldnt get it to add to WOI without it f***ing up my cold war era sim


then it hit me ......Operation Kadesh and Korea could go in their own era together entitled Early Jet Age (name is currently up for grabs though ....suggestions welcome winner gets a cookie lol)


i would simply use a copy of WOI and its expansion pack for the base game then remove the 3 operations in the original (cos i have those already in the cold war era) and remove any planes not used in operation kadesh, then add korea to it


the only questions now are ..


1 do i use this as a base install for the WW2 era sim aswell ......i used to have the korean war as part of this ....mainly to keep the ammount of games i have to a minimum ..and i could easily have spanish civil war, WW2 and the early jet age as one file (the meteor debuted in WW2) ....and if the physics in kadesh are more tailor made for this it might work better


do i keep them separate and delete my WOE based WW2 install ...with the intention of replacing it with a WOI operation kadesh based version


or do i keep my originial WOE based WW2 install


...hmmm choices choices lol

Edited by tonyspike

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buy a full merged SF 2 and ue the diferent mod folder it can provide whiout manualy mergin or using jsgme


i run several exes from diferent installs, full mods etc

and test install whit only a weapons pack for testing my own mods

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Sf2 allows you to create a completely different install which borrows the same engine.Hence,modding it is extremely easy as you don't have to touch your vanilla install and you never find the wrong aircraft flying in the wrong era or conflict.This is kinda important to history nerds like me and a lot of other people!

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buy a full merged SF 2 and ue the diferent mod folder it can provide whiout manualy mergin or using jsgme


i run several exes from diferent installs, full mods etc

and test install whit only a weapons pack for testing my own mods

Sf2 allows you to create a completely different install which borrows the same engine.Hence,modding it is extremely easy as you don't have to touch your vanilla install and you never find the wrong aircraft flying in the wrong era or conflict.This is kinda important to history nerds like me and a lot of other people!




but herein lies the problem ........i dont want to buy strike fighters 2 ..nor do i have any interest in it ...im quite happy running the old versions ....and they work fine on my machine ...so why would i want to


i mean whenever i mention im running version 1 i am surprised at how many people tell me to do this ...but the fact is if i want to spend time manualy doing that then its my choice ......especialy since i am the one thats going to be playing on it .........i happen to enjoy doing the work and i dont feel its a waste of time ..or effort ......i feel the rewards for completing this undertaking will more than justify it to me


having said that i of course understand that most people dont play series 1 anymore ......hell i see the merits to this


but i just dont want to risk buying 2 only to have it not work on my machine ..its an older vista laptop with a s**te dual core processor and s**te onboard :cry: ......so im making do with what i have and doing rather well with it


its not through my ignorance of 2 ..but more my needs right now that i do this ......and as i say im enjoying it .....so its no biggie .....i would consider getting 2 series when i get a better machine but for now ....make do and muddle through as is the yorkshire way lol


as for historical accuracy


well .....im not a historical nut ....im just looking for simple immersion not a dedicated historical sim :blum:


so thats the reason why the merged install (and to save disk drive space) i wont be playing it online cos i dont have a good connection , and i only use single mission mode for testing mods ....so in my eyes its a good way to go .....i can easily get accuracy in campaign mode witch is what i play the most


so yes i look crazy in some peoples eyes .....but perhaps you will see their is method to this madness lol :biggrin:


after all since the only guy who is going to get any enjoyment out of this is me then its me who needs to be happy at the end of the day ......thats the key word here ..im using these platforms more to suit my needs than anyone elses


i do admit though .....what i have achieved so far feels like a crowning moment of awesome (you have to admit the mod enabler to get around the f***ing with the base install was a good idea).....im that pleased with it naming blocks and decision blocks aside ......but im mostly pleased with it cos i have managed it asking minimal questions lol :biggrin:


im not a guy that likes to pester the more knowlegable without it being something that truly stumps me ....i preferr to try out for myself and look for the answers lol


EDIT ...incase anyones wondering why this hasnt gone in the series 1 section ...its cos i understand 1 isnt the game played anymore ...and i genuinely wanted to find out what people played (weather it be 1 or 2) .....getting someones veiwpoint on my next game decision (the one about my newest folder) is a bonus but i figure since WOI is as close to the 2 engine as 1 gets i figured 2 nuts might be able to speculate better lol

Edited by tonyspike

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except for 17 reasons SF2 is better than "the series 1", but if you're happy with it... It kinda makes me nostalgic, thinking about the SF days, so be happy! :smile:

Edited by Stary
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except for 17 reasons SF2 is better than "the series 1", but if you're happy with it... It kinda makes me nostalgic, thinking about the SF days, so be happy! :smile:


im sure their are lots of reasons its better .....and as i say if i got a better computer i might be interested ...but for now this is my platform and im sticking to it lol


as i say


having said that i of course understand that most people dont play series 1 anymore ......hell i see the merits to this


its necesity more than anything ...but hells yeah im happy lol


i mean im pretty new to the series so to you its nostalgia ..........but to me its the current feeling lol .......i was always behind everyone else because i cant afford the best stuff .....i didnt get a playstation till 2001 lol

Edited by tonyspike

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im sure their are lots of reasons its better .....and as i say if i got a better computer i might be interested ...but for now this is my platform and im sticking to it lol


Actually, SF2 would probably run better on your computer if it's multicore. I heard SF1 is optimized for single core usage.

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interesting thread...

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Tony (if I may so) ALOT of people still refuses to move to series two for various reasons, so it's ok, I know that system I write from now wouldn't run it for example so the users are somehow dependent on their station's performance etc

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Actually, SF2 would probably run better on your computer if it's multicore. I heard SF1 is optimized for single core usage.


i wouldnt know if im honest ........its mostly my onboard thats the problem aswell but yeah i just assumed something for a single core machine would run better


Tony (if I may so) ALOT of people still refuses to move to series two for various reasons, so it's ok, I know that system I write from now wouldn't run it for example so the users are somehow dependent on their station's performance etc


yeah tonys fine lol ....hell people can call me susan if it makes em happy but yeah i dont mind just tony or tone lol


realy...... i woulda thought the merits were obvious


but as i say ......im in the same boat their and being happy with the series one games (especialy after just reading some lockouts go on in the new games ......im a modder and somehow that seems naff to me) ........so yeah i will be sticking with em as long as possible .....and no doubt enjoying em


first eagles is the closest i have enjoyed a WW1 sim since wings on the amiga lol

Edited by tonyspike

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