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To all those who've worked on the KAW mods that have been released so far

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This part was easy enough.  




Entering all the node entries and ground units for a campaign takes a while though... And then of course we'll have to see if it actually works.

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Gerwin's tool is the fukking BOMB man, I'm telling you!

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I got all the nodes and ground units done yesterday and after some trials and bug fixes, I have a working ground war in the campaign.  Once I have Do335's permission, I'll get it out for some people to help me test.


Wrench, is there any chance of adding some additional target areas along the eastern side of South Korea?  One of my concerns about the ground war is that it may be too easy for they player to lose the entire right side of the map early in the campaign due to the straight shot from Kangung to Yongchong.  Some other target areas to add as nodes might help slow the ground war down a little.  If adding more target areas isn't an option, we may be able to address it with fine tuning the supply levels rates in the campaign.  It may be tricky to find the right balance between keeping the player from winning or losing the campaign quickly, but also have plenty of action to keep the Skyraiders, Corsairs, and Mustangs busy.  Only testing will be able to answer that.


Also, I have to add hats-off to the KAW team!  The way this mod was released in little pieces for some reason left me with the impression that it would feel unfinished and maybe lacking in quality in some places.  After getting the entire thing installed, that is clearly not the case!  All the planes and cockpits look great.  The terrain is excellent!  Great work!


Just out of curiosity, what is preventing all the pieces from being packaged together as all-in-one mod?  It would certainly make it more accessible.

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Just updating my kaw install after a while and been collecting stuff newly released.





Sea Fury updated



F4U-4/B version 2






Baffmeister's flight models in this thread for F-80, P-51, Sea Fury:



Banshee tweeks pack (must have Razbam's banshee)



Essex post ww2 (must have YAP rising sun)



Essex SCB-27 (mut have YAP carrier pack I)




suspecting still missing something but not yet found.

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