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anybody know, in particular, for the A-1 the wing and nose MG round counts? 1000 seems WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to many!!! Even for 7.9!!



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still, 1000?

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i feel thats waaay too many!


TKs Spit 9 has 250 rounds for the 50 cal MGs,, the stock 3W Mustang 270 per gun, the TMF Spit 1 has ~350 per gun ..303 and 7.92 are pretty much the same size bullet.


300 per gun sounds more like it. Gone through all my books, and can't fnd a damn thing!

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From my understanding if we are talking about the nose guns on the FW my data suggest its more in the 475 rounds area per gun and this was pretty much across the board on all FW-190's from the A series to the Dora's as to the wing guns not so sure sorry. As to the wings the FW had the ability to pack more into the wing crazy thing has more cannons in it than a pirate ship... and Herr Tank had a good habit of loading lots into his airplanes that didn't seem possible but the 1000 rounds in the wing guns does seem rather a lot...

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i feel thats waaay too many!


TKs Spit 9 has 250 rounds for the 50 cal MGs,, the stock 3W Mustang 270 per gun, the TMF Spit 1 has ~350 per gun ..303 and 7.92 are pretty much the same size bullet.


300 per gun sounds more like it. Gone through all my books, and can't fnd a damn thing!


TKs ammo loads for the Spit 9 and the Stang are accurate.

TMF Spitfire, the Ia should have 300 rounds each for all 8 guns... it was changed on the late series Ib to 350 rounds each for the 4 outboard MGs, the inboard Hispano's had 60 rounds drum magazines.


The Fw 190 A-1

armament :

4x MG 17 , ( 2x engine cowling, 2x wing roots, all syncronized, all weapons eject links and cases overboard from openings in the fuselage/wing bottom)

2x MG-FF/M ( outer wings, cases are not ejected, they are collected inside the wings)


Ammo loads:

MG 17 cowling : 900 rounds each

MG 17 wing roots: 1000 rounds each

MG-FF/M: 60 rounds each


The weapons were wired into two groups for firing :

Group 1: all four MG 17

Group 2: both MG-FF/M

Thus the firing possibilities were either each group separately or both groups together

Edited by Crusader

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Fw 190A-2, A-3, A-4, A-5


armament :

2x MG 17 , ( 2x engine cowling,synchronized, all weapons eject links and casings overboard from openings in the fuselage bottom) 900 rounds each

2x MG 151/20 ( wing roots, synchronized, casings are ejected through wing bottom ) 250 rounds each

2x MG-FF/M ( outer wings, casings are not ejected, they are collected inside the wings) 60 rounds each





Fw 190A-6



cowling and wing roots same as A-2 to A-5


Outer wings

2x MG 151/20 ( outer wings, casings are not ejected, they are collected inside the wings), 125 rounds each



Weapon wiring for A-2 to A-6

Group 1: cowling and wing root weapons

Group 2: outboard wing weapons

Edited by Crusader

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that's EXACTLY what I needed!!


thanks Otto!! You Da Man!!!

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another question ...

I assume (oh! that word!!) the A8 would be similiar round counts?

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Fw 190 A-7, A-8, A-9


armament :

2x MG 131 , ( 2x cowling, synchronized, all weapons eject links and casings overboard from openings in the fuselage bottom) 400 rounds each

2x MG 151/20 ( wing roots, synchronized, casings are ejected through wing bottom ) 250 rounds each

2x MG 151/20 ( outer wings, casings are not ejected, they are collected inside the wings) 125 rounds each *

* can be replaced by R2 mod kit, consisting of 2x MK 108 (outer wings, casings ejected through wing bottom) 50 rounds each


Wiring was in 2 groups,

cowling+wing roots

outer wings




Fw 190 A-8/R8

heavily armored assault aircraft, cowling guns removed to save weight

2x MG 151/20 ( wing roots, synchronized, casings are ejected through wing bottom ) 250 rounds each

2x MK 108 (outer wings, casings ejected through wing bottom) 50 rounds each


Wiring was in 2 groups,

wing roots

outer wings





Fw 190 D-9

armament :

2x MG 131 , ( 2x engine cowling,synchronized, all weapons eject links and casings overboard from openings in the fuselage bottom) 400 rounds each

2x MG 151/20 ( wing roots, synchronized, casings are ejected through wing bottom ) 250 rounds each


Wiring was in 2 groups,


wing roots

Edited by Crusader

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F-Series Fighter Bombers

(ALL Fw 190 variants were capable of using a centerline bombrack for the Fighter Bomber role from the A-1 onwards)


Fw 190 F-1 based on A-4

Fw 190 F-2 based on A-5

Fw 190 F-3 based on A-6

Fw 190 F-8 based on A-8



Same as respective 190 A variant but outboard wing guns always removed

Wiring was changed to have cowling and wing root guns in 2 groups

Added were wing bomb racks, 2x 50-70 kg capacity each wing

Additional armor kits for engine and cockpit were fitted




G-Series Long Range Fighter Bombers


Fw 190 G-1 based on A-4

Fw 190 G-2 based on A-5

Fw 190 G-3 based on A-6

Fw 190 G-8 based on A-8



Same as respective 190 A variant but outboard wing guns and cowling guns (replaced by extra engine oil tank) always removed

Added were wing bomb racks, 1x 250 kg capacity each wing or 300 liter drop tank

Edited by Crusader

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that's just EXCELLENT!! Thanks Otto!!


So the A-1 has no Jabo role? have to reedit the data ini!!


and what's better is, I 're discovered" the ETC-50 rack from Monty's 109G/S-199. Dosen't fit perfectly flugh with the belly, but it carriers the 4 50kg bombs! (shot in the SF2 screenies thread)


it's just a pity I have to use the old Wolf FWs. Has some bad points, but no decal bleeds or shadow artifacts!

Edited by Wrench

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Yea.... a new 190 would be cool ...


Hmm.. all early 190s had a centerline rack for the droptank or a single 250 kg bomb / 4x 50 kg bombs

only from A-4 onwards were kits available for further modifications

Not always clear, even in the official Luftwaffe docs I use for all the data in this thread :skull:

Edited by Crusader

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