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aircraft upgrade, is THIS correct and... why?

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so in a campaign, a F-80 using set of skins in folder "A" for example, is upgrading to F-84 using skins in folder "B". here's what i (painfully) found: Unless... the F-80 also has set of skins in a folder called "B", the upgrade won't go thru?


is this correct and why as it seems ridiculous to me....

Edited by Do335

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I'd assume it has something to do with the squadron.



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FastCargo why don't you answer my massage?


How extremely rude to hijack someone else's post!

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hehe... for a moment i thought i hit the jackpot or summin:)

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FastCargo why don't you answer my massage?

Because FastCargo doesn't want to give Happy Endings during massages? :D

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morteza1374, the reason I don't answer is that I tend to be select in who I respond to and what I respond about.


I normally respond to folks via PM who are my friends, fellow modders, moderators, and admins, and people who have been part of the CA community for a long time. I will also respond to folks if they are having very specific issues with the website that shouldn't be brought up in public. Most other things, I prefer the request or issue be posted publicly in the appropriate part of the forum...that way all can benefit. If I don't respond there, it usually means I don't have the time, or I'm not interested, or both. If I don't respond in public, then it's a virtual certainty I am not going to respond via private message on the same topic.


Now, back to the topic at hand....I believe the squadron has to remain the same when a base gets an upgrade. I'm not sure though.



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I believe the squadron has to remain the same when a base gets an upgrade. I'm not sure though.


well i tried everything i can think of... squadron entry in textureset.ini is the same, campaign unit data reference an entry in squadron list using "squadron=" and with/without "unitname=" but no avail. the skin folder name has to match. i suppose that's why in tk's and eburger's big release packs all the skin folders have generic names like "USAFSilverX" etc... but i can be wrong..

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Maybe it has something to do with the date in the textureset.ini of the skins? :blink:

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