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Change Visual Target Settings?

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is there any way to change how far I can lock onto something visually? Seems kinda pointless to have 100NM ranged cruise missiles and only be able to lock on at very close ranged

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in data ini (each and every one)


TK has those relatively correct

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After you aquire radar lock on a bogie press CNTRL-R and you will acquire a visual lock on the same target.........and I dont think it matters at what range, I have never tried it at 100nm but it works at 20-50nm which is way beyond where you would normally get a visual lock so it should work at further distances.




I just went back re-read your post........and I guess you are more refering to lock on ground targets, in which case my tip wont be of any help :doh:

Oh well, it's still a good tip.

Edited by Romflyer
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Roger, I think you can cycle thru ground objects and target the one you want by pressing the E key.

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is there any way to change how far I can lock onto something visually? Seems kinda pointless to have 100NM ranged cruise missiles and only be able to lock on at very close ranged


What ever are you talking about? While testing a new model, I was tasked with intercepting an inbound flight of A-6 TRAMs. They fired off their Harpoons well over the horizon from their target (the Ulyanovsk), and now I had to chase down 16 sea-skimming ASMs and shoot them down. If the AI can do, so can the player. Attached is the map to prove my point.





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is there any way to change how far I can lock onto something visually? Seems kinda pointless to have 100NM ranged cruise missiles and only be able to lock on at very close ranged

Yes, typical case is a radio call : "sam launch" if you hit "R" : the sam is a SAM-7 225 miles away .

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