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Outstanding - post damage delayed/cumulative effects

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clean sure. but how many of us fly our planes clean in a straight line without some form of opposition? the Cat can haul tho as evidenced by a RL recce run over Lebanon in the early 80's. intel said the Syrians placed SA-6s in the area to shoot them down. so the pilots just cranked it a lil higher. said they were missing some panels when they got back to the boat but got the photos and out ran several SAMs, all on the deck!


somewhere in Bye Bye Baby, the book of pics and interviews bout the Tomcat. would give the specific quote but its packed to due to another frakkin move!

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hi eric i already gave it a mach limit of mach 3.98 even a sea level limit of 1354.35m/s(m 3.89) in the screenie should i double the values? Also to my understanding in one of the forum threads the [flightcontrol] entries govern AI and i think this true as my AIs now intercepts enemies at mach 2+ speeds. kinda cool as they are now hitting bandits moments after them enemies took off. :biggrin:

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Well you got me after that saisran, I'm nowhere near an FM guru to save my life, so maybe a more experienced opinion would help, as I really don't see the need for that much speed (couldn't resist...) so really as far as that I just don't know, sorry. :dntknw:

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your right there really isn't much of a need. just an exercise and well it's kinda fun. going full burners and reaching high mach speed. You should give it a try on the Hornet as well. Thanks Eric. :biggrin:


Oh yeah, i just found out that Launchers or maybe the bombs themselves (dag vs structure values?)can't take going past mach 2.5. Went to a strike mission going mach 2.5+ and ended up loosing all my bombs. Not a problem, but i do think that its" really cool" damage simulation.

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You're absolutely right - it happened again, this time without my aircraft being hit by anything.

I really was flying on afterbuners for long time (still, cheking the fuel), proceding to get in range for an AIM-54 shot.


In the " TMF Tomcat ", a warning ligth appeared indeed on the cockpit " reduce speed ".

And at the HSD's left side, there's some bar indicators which I bellieve are; RPM; Turbine Inlet Temperature; Fuel Flow... at least they were in the Spectrum Holobyte's " TOPGUN: Fire at Will ! " :biggrin:


I don't remember right now if the turb. inlet temp. bars are showing criticaly high on this case, (probabily they do).

I'm really enjoying this sim!

Maybe a bit high, but to me it looks like the engines ingested birds :beee::biggrin:

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