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in particular the IA, circa mid-1942


did they carry the roundel in all standard 6 positions? none on my profiles show ANY on the lower wing, only uppers and fues

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They mostly flew with the RAF 3 colour roundel up until then and I've seen these in artwork having them under wing, but most of what you'll find is with the white roundel. I think I have some snaps somewhere. I'll see if I can dig 'em up. But hadn't they already started transitioning them to the white roundel from around that time?

Edited by SayWhatt

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yes, sometime around June 42 to the blue/white only


below, 75 Squadron, RAAF over New Guinea

got all the serials done; all but 5 are matched to their code letters -not to shabby!

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Nice! :biggrin:

The red disk was dropped at about the same time as it was dropped from the USAAF/USN star (and for the same reason - confusion with the Japanese "meatball"), around April '42.

RAAF Kittyhawks had roundels in all 6 positions throughout the war.

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Kevin you asked about this.


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sorry, brudda! sidetracked by RL


the "8P" could be the HQ squadron (8th Pursuit, possibly before SWP deployment, approx. Dec 41)

the AVG looks like "hells Angels" squadron (2nd? pursuit)

the KH is an RAF desert air force (north Africa)


interesting that the sheet calls for "P-40B", which is the Tomahawk, not the E Kittyhawk

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Now this is NICE!


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Thanks Dave, you just increased my workload. :biggrin:

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if that means what I think it does....









new Tomahawks? new Mohawks?

got plenty of decals sitting around, off the Old Wolf B/C

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I Like Shark mouths in varying degree's that aircraft is great canvas for those!

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