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Making flyable the new DLC's?

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I want to make some planes of latest AI packs flyable, but can't find them on the cat files. Where are the Data and plane inis?

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the extractor has a whole separate category for DLC. get out of objects.cat and look for "DLC"

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its in the mod folder under dlc  

saved games\thirdwire\extracted files \DLC Data028 and 29

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actually, it's the core files...


C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\DLC

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Wondering, will there be any PCK with all those planes made flyable? That would be a great pack!

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For a quick thrash in any AI aircraft you can amend your Options.ini to include the following line;  




This goes in the [singleMission] section and you just need to change FALSE to TRUE. This then makes all aircraft flyable by giving your AI aircraft the A-4B pit. It's no substitute for a dedicated pit or a suitable substitute but it's a nice little 'quick and dirty' mod.

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depends on how your going about getting it gents. if you just fire up the TW cat extractor, then in the main Strike Fighters 2 folder select DLC instead of objects you can start pulling what you need out.  then once extracted it will go to a DLCxxx folder in the Extracted Files folder in with your mods folder. and finally Spinners is right, so long as you don't mind looking at an A-4B pit.


in summary, the answer is :   42

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I made the F104 flyable, will try the Spits as soon as I get a proper cockpit.

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someone has not been following other threads, where the zippers and spits have been covered at length. iirc, in this very forum

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