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Found this profiles on a magazine centered on the Mirage III/V family.






They say Portugal intended to buy some Mirages III in the 70's, can be cool, together with  IIIR and some V too.

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If you want to, I can create one portuguese Mirage V (don't like the Mirage III that much) for you with both the all green and a green-brown camo.

Edited by ValAstur

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Never heard about this before but I suppose it makes sense for the PoAF. From what I've just read they very nearly did operate the type, two III's aparently evaluated in Portugal and still in museums there, then an order placed for 79 V's that were never delivered.



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Yeah, I remember seeing this in the Aviation Classic issue 17 that came out last year. There was bugger all on our Mirages and the Cheetah and way too much on the Kfir and it's US service, but it had this golden little nugget of 'What-if" hidden away.

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I will love both III and V, after all the Portuguese can use a III as a interceptor too. Of course the modder decides what to do, and I will be happy with anything it comes.

Edited by Stratos

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i dint know this great find

i have both Mirage III and 5 Max files if needed!

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I guess we'll take the standard planes from TK.

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I allow myself to introduce you:


Mirage IIIEP - Interceptor early, 301st Squadron, 1975






Mirage IIIEP - Interceptor late w/ camouflage, 301st Squadron, 1982








Mirage IIIEP - Attacker, 302nd Squadron, 1985






Mirage 5P, Attacker w/ camouflage, 1980








Mirage 5P, Attacker (green only), 1982



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Outstanding!! Hope they will appear on the download section as soon as is up again. Well done Mario!

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I made some times ago 3 tones camo skin for the Mirage, I think it would be a nice Portuguese skin if you want I can look into my archives and send it to you ?



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