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Hi!! I have just installed and merged SF in the following order: SF2-SF2V-SF2E-SF2I


Now, what patch do I need to apply?? The latest SF2 patch (May 2013), or the latest SF2 Israel patch (May 2011)


Thanks!!! I am new to SF2!

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The latest patch is july 2013.  But I find nov. 2011 works best for me.

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What patch level are you at now? - should say bottom right of the main menu

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Strike Fighters 2


Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam


Strike Fighters 2 Europa


Strike Fighters 2 Israel


Strike Fighters 2 Israel-June 2010 Update


Strike Fighters 2-May 2011 Update


Strike Fighters 2-Expansion Pack 1


Strike Fighters 2-Expansion Pack 2


Strike Fighters 2-March 2012 Update




Strike Fighters 2-March 2012 North Athlantic


Strike Fighters 2-March 2012 Update Hotfix


Strike Fighters 2-April 2012 Update




Strike Fighters 2-May 2012 Update


Strike Fighters 2-June 2012 Update



Strike Fighters 2-Jul 2012 Update



and 2013 patches

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I've just checked TW website...if you just downloaded their games they are at the current patch level (jul2013).

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all newly acquired (downloaded, purchased, etc) games -and DLCs- are at the most current patch level

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