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Figuring out how to level bomb

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When it comes to level bombing, I am terrible. This Is not good since I want to play a campaign as a BUFF pilot. I had an idea, but don't know if somebody has already figured this out. There has to be a relatively simple way to calculate how far from the target you should drop your bombs based on your altitude and speed. Does anybody know at roughly what rate bombs fall in game? I know this system wont be dead accurate but it will at least be better than dropping at random.

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An altitude, speed and range to target might be good enough for this - as long as you have a lot of bombs to ripple. This would require finding that ideal through trial and error - only good for flat ground. Also not too sure how far the wind carries the bombs in this (if at all)


In WW2 they got round this problem by sending about 500 bombers to a target  :biggrin:

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Isn't there a tutorial somewhere on how to graft a CCIP sight into any cockpit? Then you can just adjust your difficulty so you always see the pipper and the visual targeting box (even if they're in the middle of the panel). Line 'em up and bombs away!

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 Does anybody know at roughly what rate bombs fall in game? I know this system wont be dead accurate but it will at least be better than dropping at random.


The rate that they fall would obviously be 1 G's worth of acceleration over the vertical distance.  Keep in mind that low drag anti-ship bombs dropped from high altitude during WWII would often achieve a terminal velocity approaching Mach 1.

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Here is some good reading for A-G weapons delivery http://www.simhq.com/_air/air_055a.html  it's not directly about level bombing but it's still a really good read......from there I would suggest you do a search in the downloads for "the Range" (if you haven't already) and then practice, practice, practice.



Stuntman beat me to it

Edited by Romflyer

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