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Which campaign or terrain mod are these bases (target & type ini's) found?

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Could someone please lead me to where these air base object/terrain files/mods are located. I'm guessing NATO fighter's 5 or SF2 North Atlantic?


Thank you, NIELS





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these are terrain objects, as opposed to ground objects

the physical objects themselves (light stands, etc) would be located INSIDE the appropriate terrain folder.


without knowing exactly what your looking for/asking about, it's difficult to know how to answer


the hangars are Stary's,. the blastshields and power carts are stock 3W items as are the revetments -aka "arming pits" (albeit retextured to sandbags and not sheet metal). the metal roofed open shed-thingy is the VNSEA 'vehicle port', retextured (as I seem to recall redoing the roof in sheet metal from the af5barackb from Polak's Object Library1). Beware of that ... something happened to the lod and it's no longer centered in SF2 like it was in WoV (meaning: it don't show where you place it)

the 'crates and barrels' come for The Factory Place, and is called "tools" (for some odd reason!)

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There are several base mods that position the objects like that in downloads - worth taking a look

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Thanks Wrench & Mig Buster for your quick replies and dedication to this series,


Specifically, I was hoping to find the base target 'builds' ie. [TargetObjectXXX] in the associated XXX_Target.ini and XXX_TYPE.ini entries. Possibly available in a mod, or one of the SF2, Wox series sim's.

Just wondering if these builds from the attached pic's were already completed or available in a terrain add on or mod pak?

Appreciate the detailed info regarding my question Wrench, your knowledge, support,  and dedication to these series are outstanding!



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Are they available, oh hell yes!!! :biggrin: . Look to the downloads sections - stary hangars should be in the SF1 section, and the "airfield objects" -- iirc 2 paks, in the SF2 section


the layouts you'll find in that particular terrain's _targets and entires describing "what is it" in the _types inis. As to what airfield got rebuilt, couldn't tell ya (other than it's a 1, 5 or 6)


judging by the tiles surrounding the airbase, those are GermanyCE tiles, so I'd start looking in the NATO series

(yes I AM that good!!! LOL!!! -- yet another entry into the "You've Been Playing SF Too Long When..." list)


addendum: the small fuel tank seen in the background of image 4 is called "benzintank", also from The Factory Place -- available buried deep in the SF1 downloads section.

the camo truck, OTH, could be one of several items (where they come from I don't recall), but they're not "real" trucks, just static terrain objects, like buildings. I think it's an LKw 1/2 ton Gl Mil. I know I used in and the MBZ fuel tanker on the IR2003 terrain (and Persian Gulf, and , and...) Or a MBZ 1017A, or an MBZ 1115 ... again, don't remember

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Soulfreak is on the right path, but you will need the full install as well as the patch above. The mods shown above are actually ones created by Piecemeal I believe. I wish somebody would create the LKW  big trucks, that's a Unimog in camo.

Edited by hurc

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Unimogs are available (as REAL trucks!) ... I've had them for quite a while. Just don't ask me where I got them (1stGens maybe??)


my folders call them




Unimog BW (for bundswher? -sp?)

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Been out of town for a night - Thanks again for the replies and knowledge base. Super support here at CA!



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Yep - found em - Hurc's SF2V update & Piecemeal's Airfield Mod Add-On for the SF2E 'Four Seasons' Terrain among others. Much thanks SoulFreak and everyone else.


You are the ones who make SF2, Wox series ROCK! Keep up the good work.  :rockon:

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