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Fairey III request

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Early versions[edit]

The IIIA and IIIB saw limited service towards the end of the war, with some IIIBs being used for mine-spotting duty from the seaplane station at Westgate-on-Sea.[11] The IIIC entered service in November 1918, but did not carry out any combat patrols owing to the Armistice ending hostilities with Germany. Seven IIICs were deployed to Arkhangelsk in 1919 by the seaplane tender HMS Pegasus in support of the North Russian Expeditionary Force. They were used to carry out bombing attacks against Bolshevik shipping and rail communications.[12]




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I must confess that I HATE doing floatplane FMs (veeeeery difficult to make them take off in FM set as hard, because limitations in game engine), but they are soooooo beautiful that I don't mind about the extra work.


The Fairey III is a very beautiful plane, but it had a very limited service. There were more important seaplanes, as the Short ones or the Fairey Campania, the Felixtowe ones, Fiedrichshaffen F33, Hansa-Brandenburg ones, the Macchi ones or the Lohner ones........

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I have a Lohner and a Macchi started, for the Italian Front. I like the look of the hydroplanes, and I REALLY APPRECIATE that ojcar does all the difficult work to make them flyable in First Eagles. But, as ojcar points out, the game engine isn't really made for water based objects aircraft...

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Which Macchi and which Lohner?????!!!! Do tell :dance2:

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A Lohner L and a Macchi M.3 - since they're so similar, it will go faster. But, it's going to be a while, other projects need to be finished first.

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