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turned off the turbo smooth and hid the 3-view...dont want to make this to easy LOL


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Close but noooo F-108 was scratched because Dave had one ready...TU-160 just needs a Good skin and FM tweak

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I won? no way!

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Close but noooo F-108 was scratched because Dave had one ready...TU-160 just needs a Good skin and FM tweak


Wasn't fast cargo working on that one (F-108) about three  years ago? I don't think  it ever came to fruition

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Wasn't fast cargo working on that one (F-108) about three  years ago? I don't think  it ever came to fruition

yeah my bad....I meant Fast Cargo

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ok  with turbo smooth on and 3-view showing, should be easy to guess now


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Veltro, pls check blueprints proportion, looks a bid stretched to the sides, maybe it`s the resolution of the screen.


I had always problems to find the right resolution for the blueprints to avoid disturbed drawings.


I usualy save a blueprint on a much larger white background, something about 2048 x 2048, why <--- Cause if you create a plane (3Ds Max object), UVM map it and put then the blueprint on it from the big JPG, you dont need to fiddle around with the wideness and hight of the pic. IT`s like copy paste it on it, like a stamp with no distortion.

Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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