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Placing decals for a custom nation

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I've made 2 custom nations for myself and want the insignia and nation name decals for them to appear on every plane I fly as that nation. Can anybody please give me some detailed directions on how to install the decals so that this will happen? I've already made the decals so please do not forward me to the GIMP tutorial, also this page (http://combatace.com/topic/66541-creating-nation-specific-decals/) is not giving me all the information I need so kindly expand on it if you forward me to it.

Many thanks in advance!

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Well I know how to do it for individual aircraft in SF2 using subfolders in the decals folder.


But if you want to globally add it to the Thirdwire set of Decals then I would guess at having a correct naming format and them sitting in the root of the Decals folder - but not so sure (and cant test at them moment) - so someone else will have to answer

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iirc, after adding a new nation, (call it number ***), you should be able to call it out, if the insignia decal carries the same number.


for instance:


Hooterland, nation 369, would use a decal named insignia369. Like MB said, I'd put the new tga at the root of the /Decals folder, edit the user list for the aircraft to add the "new user" (unless the aircraft is nationalized for Hooterland only in it's data ini), So, selecting it on the service drop down, SHOULD automatically add the correct national insignia.


it's more than just adding a new named nation, but should be fairly easily done

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Hooterland? Thanks for keeping us abreast of things Kevin...

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in my mind, I know what the insignia would look like....

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on a yellow background!!

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