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Intro for Retro Gaming Icons Topic

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I've decided to join a blog chain for this month ... and will writing about Retro Gaming Icons and here is my intro. What do you think?


On March 3, 1969 the United States Navy established an elite school for the top one percent of its pilots. Its purpose was to teach the lost art of aerial combat, set up one night stands with hot blonde female instructors, perform fly bys on towers right when the guy inside takes a sip of hot coffee, become the inspiration of a popular 1986 movie, as well as for many games that make it freaking hard to land on aircraft carriers, and to ensure that the men who graduated became the best fighter pilots in the world.

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it freaking hard to land on aircraft carriers...

NES anyone?

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First PC game I landed on a carrier in was F-19.

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First PC game to land on a carrier for me was the first Jetfighter game... on a keyboard.



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Oh yeah, I didn't have a joystick for sims until years later! I think 1991 I got the joystick maybe when we got our 386? So SWOTL, CYAC, Falcon 3...I got Red Baron late, too, so I had the stick for that. For Gunship, F-19, and Jetfighter 1 I used the keyboard on my 8088...that was horrible.

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Did it with Flight Simulator 4, I flew the Camel and landed on the carrier sailing right outside San Francisco bay. 

But as the game was not made for this, I don't know if that counts.


First true carrier landing was in Aces of the Pacific. Didn't remember the aircraft, though... 

All of this using the keyboard, of course. 

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