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Bullwinkle's Weekend Safety Brief for 18-20 Jan 14

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Bring it in. Take a knee.


Meach, you are The Little Man in the Woods – go.


Expect a cold and wet weekend. I still don’t like you, and if I see you at any of my favorite haunts this weekend, I will tie your elbows to your balls and low-crawl you back to the barracks to police up cigarette butts. You’ll probably get cold and wet on the way.

The roads will likely be perilous, crowded and icy. Expect trouble. Expect to be surrounded by idiots who should have stayed home. Expect to be NASCAR’d into the median at 0200. Plan to survive that ordeal. If you die of exposure, I’ll tell your family that the tutu and fairy wings you wore to that tranny club just wasn’t
appropriate for the weather.


Meach, don’t cheat your body.


It’s cold out here. Let’s wrap this up.


The Five Ds:

1. Don’t do dudes.
2. Don’t do dudes’ wives.
3. Don’t do drugs.
4. Don’t drink and drive.
5. Don’t beat your wife.

Meach, recover.

Drink water.

Now, get the hell out of my AO!




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These are freaking hillarious, Dave. Keep 'em comming.

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must be an AF thing. Army would stand out in the cold.  would stand out in anything but thunderstorms.  too much paperwork if joe gets hit by lightning ya know.....



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Never a more disgusting vision in the world than 100 or more Airmen spilling out of the "multi million dollar base gym," at 0725 on a beautiful Spring morning with their PT shirts un-tucked.


The way I was raised, they should be still puking from the thousands of pushups, situps, pullups, rope climbs and brisk 5 mile run instead.


My two years living on an AFB scarred my mind.


My neighbor who was a 22 year USAF E-7 told me he supervised PT by checking the sign in roster at the base gym. Now that's leadership.



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must be an AF thing. Army would stand out in the cold.  would stand out in anything but thunderstorms.  too much paperwork if joe gets hit by lightning ya know.....





Aviation doesn't understand the concept of standing outside for the weekend brief. We have hangars.

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at Balad  Crazyhorse, i took to telling the AF the old line bout "i'm not a sir, i work for a living."  actually lost my voice that day saying it......

thats not to mention the terror of election weekend when they were issued weapons, and one mag.  even they questioned the wisdom on that and the whole base breathed easier when they turned back in that monday


and Viggen, get your PT belt on. dont care if its a war zone..

Edited by daddyairplanes

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Thank God I retired at the beginning of the "PT Belt Craze!"


I have done more PT wearing body armor than I have wearing a PT belt.



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They suck. Mine's about ready to replace now too after only seven months. Oh and they aren't issued either.


1ID does have the right idea though. Yellow for lower enlisted, green for NCOs, and blue for officers.

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