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A Big Thank You

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This is my first post.


I have been playing First Eagles 2 and all the Strike Fighters 2 combat sims for over a year now.


I would like to thank the folks that maintain the Combat Ace web site and also the many contributers that give of their time and talents.


With so many additional planes, terrains, effects, and you name it, when you buy one game it's like getting a dozen games for free thanks to your efforts and skill.


I am currently playing a heavily modded FE2 and really enjoy it.


Today I was able to get bombs working on three different third party planes thanks to your knowledge base for FE.


I am a paid subscriber and will continue to subscribe.


When I was in the Navy and working in network and computer security, I used many open source tools so I really appreciate all of you folks out there that "get under the hood".


Wind lifting your wings,






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For all its flaws, the series is pretty amazing.

I don't see anything coming along and replacing it any time soon, if ever.

It is just a shame that after so many years of steady improvement, that patches started taking away the very modding related features that so many liked about it.

While I am disappointed that development and even new content has come to a complete halt, it may have been a good thing.

TK was considering making the game even more "lite" such as automating landing gear and flap functions to reduce the number of controls you needed to play.

Perhaps the tablet version should have simply been a difficulty setting for the PC version: arcade.

So much of the PC game obviously made it into the tablet versions.

Oh well, as long as the mods remain available and better yet the modders remain active, there will be fans for this game.

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You all really advanced and made FE and SF what they are today as well as many other sims.

I find the body of work and ideas amazing!



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Well my friend, keep your nose in the KB. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Try making a simple mod yourself. For example change the guns or loadouts on your favorite aircraft or swap and move decals around. I like tinkering with stuff more than flying missions sometimes.

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This is my first post.


I have been playing First Eagles 2 and all the Strike Fighters 2 combat sims for over a year now.




Thanks for the support Brent - may you enjoy as many years of SF/FE as those before you.

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Well said Migbuster...


Welcome Brent ... like Migbuster said may you enjoy many years here.

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Thank you all very much.


I will stay in the KB and hope to do some tweaking here and there.


But I am a slow learner.


Because of your many contributions there are very good years left for FE and SF



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