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Question Maps, Water and Land in Pre SF2:NA vs Post SF2:NA.

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I know that in SF2:NA there is a "..._water.bmp" file the indicates where water and land are, but as I understand it that only came about because of features in SF2:NA. However even before the SF2:NA water maps existed Tanks could not be placed in the water nor could Patrol Boats be placed on land.


So my question is this. In a non North Atlantic terrain how does the game determined the difference between water and land?

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However even before the SF2:NA water maps existed Tanks could not be placed in the water nor could Patrol Boats be placed on land.




Sorry to disagree with you, but that's not accurate.  I cannot begin to tell you how many times I've encountered "aquatic" AAA units, and land-bound ships, from errors in object placement, long before NA arrived on the scene.

Edited by Fubar512

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Sorry to disagree with you, but that's not accurate.  I cannot begin to tell you how many times I've encountered "aquatic" AAA units, and land-bound ships, from errors in object placement, long before NA arrived on the scene.


Okay, that is interesting. I have only encountered a ship steaming on land one time due to some odd error.


In my experience, when Expansion Pack 2 came out with the mission editor I could not place a Ground Object Group (Tanks for example) in the ocean any more than I could place a Naval Object Group (ShipConvoy) ashore. What I was trying to find out is why that was so.     

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This was even before the expansion pack, when one would place objects by hand (using coords obtained in free camera view).

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I figured that you were refereeing to things that far back. I have only been playing SF2 since Jan, 2010. I am trying to figure out what is allowing ground objects on one Terrain to be placed anywhere not allowing for the placement of any naval objects at all.

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gotta be something In the actual code that NA brought with it. OTH, iirc, one of the late patches (July 13???) seems to have hosed a bunch of stuff


conversely, as you were asking about the Norway map, testing 2 ETO maps (excepting EuroWW2), my BoB  and Norway with a naval zones for both sides, creates some rather unusual results.


on the BOB map, I had the KM Cruiser Karlshure, and it's escorts happily cruising through the Surrey countryside AND leaving wakes (in that same mission, my Beau's trops worked just fine on the land too)


on the same map, test the UK side, my Corsair II was sitting on ATTACKER's deck, calmly sailing through the forests


The Norway map itself was giving me exceedingly random placements of both side ... had the Graf Zepplins BG far inshore to the Scottish coast, while my CVBG (Illustrious), was way out in the North Sea.


on the othe side of the world, the PI 44 map, all of a sudden no IJN ship (surface action groups or CVBG) were appearing where I"d placed the enemy zone north of Cape Engano.


It is my considered opinion that there are serious flaws in the coding, "something" got borked at some point by a patch. Or, the engine is NOT reading water bmps with Red and Blue "cv zones" correctly -if even if their respective colors are matched to those from NA map. Now, it's quite possible the engine doesn't LIKE "mini zones" as has been used in my case. It may require the 'half and half' as seen on the IcelandNA map. There's no real way of knowing this without repaint the entire water bmp to test.


I should also state that all my WW2 installs are built FROM the NA exe, so as to make sure the proper CV/Naval coding is present, for those terrains that 'require' it. All ship data inis  have been updated to have the proper NA statements.


As to the mission builder issue, I can't speak to that, as I rarely use it (guess I should start and learn it)


As no information has ever been, and in my feeling, NEVER will be forthcoming from The Manufacturer, we're all at a loss as to what to do or how to correct this.


The only thing we can do, is keep posting on the 3W boards in the hopes that at some point we might get an answer. Or even a hint at the answer.


It's exceedingly frustrating, not only for end users like you, but for the few us still building terrains, and trying to expand the gaming experience.

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