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In an effort to keep the peace on the official WOFF forum and still be able to talk about alternative flight models and share ideas I thought I would have a go at starting a WOFF FM thread here in neurtal territory on CombatAce. 


FM arguments are never resolved, so the intent of this thread is to fiddle around with the FM's and get them the way each of us wants them, share and compare notes and hopefully have fun smile!.gif

So here is the first effort.  This is an Albatros D.V FM created by Hellshade with data from Elephant and Jim F. Miller.  It makes only two changes to the WOFF Albatros D.V flight model.  It reduces the weight from 680 kg to 620 kg and the horsepower from 180 to 170.  According to JFM at least 742 of the 900 Albatros D.V's were built at this weight and horsepower.


The one change to Hellshade's original file that I made was to pair it down to just the .xfm files and make it JSGME ready.  Simply download this file and install it using JSGME from your Mods folder under the OBDWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder.  If you don't like the FM, then simply uninstall it using JSGME and you're back to the stock WOFF FM.



Alb DV 620kg 170hp.zip

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Here is another FM revision for the D.Va this time, made by gavagai, from RoF Forums:




You can try this Albatros D.Va in quick combat mode. If you like it I think you can figure out how to use it for the campaign, too.

You'll see that the yaw behavior is more realistic, the roll rate is decreased, and it is unstable in the pitch axis. That's my best approximation of what I know about the real aircraft.

Other fixes for things that were obviously wrong:

empty and loaded weight
lower wing dihedral
aspect ratio

The rate of climb is way too good at low altitude, but that is true for all scouts in WOFF, so it is not my fault.


I have prepared gavagai's Mod to be used not only in QC, in easy to enable JSGME format.


Alb D.Va 680kg 190hp_gavagai.7z


Please download again, I have revised  the file due to folder naming error (D.V instead of D.Va)

if you got the original file it will change the D.V FM... :blink:

Edited by elephant

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Good point, Buck.
I wonder what you guys will come up with, but keep your attention to the fact,
that the FMs and AI abilities, their actions, responses, overall behaviour,
are like a "three-dimensional grid" where one thing is connected to another.

So I believe to understand from recent posts, that there may be good reasons,
why a specific aircraft has a WRONG weight - maybe the whole interaction and
desired overall FM could only be achieved this way?
After all, they have "knitted" this complex interactive Monster-AI over four years
to get it all right.
Watch not only your own craft; make sure to check, what your comrades can or
cannot do with their crates now - it won't help you much, if you must win the
war single-handedly.

Me, I am the total Albatros-Lover, and I was surprised and disappointed to find
my favourite bird changed so much, compared to OFF.
But then it was very unbelieveable in OFF, and I'm getting to a point, where
I feel it is much more believeable in WOFF.

I will see after some time, if there are still points I'd like to see changed,
or if I will learn to fly these birds again, like I did before in OFF.
In OFF I always broke my lower wings in the beginning, and I was cursing the
devs (you may remember that, Pol...) for "building such crappy Albatros".
In the end, I was perfectly able to take up fights even against the nemesis,
the Sopwith Camel - and win most of them.

However - maybe there is always room for slight improvements - so I wish you
all good luck for the tweaking. Me, I'd never dare to touch the digits.



PS: Buck, is your mod only for QC, or for campaigns too?

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Regarding FM changes, you can do a lot to the FMs and the AI will still fly fine.  The warnings against doing this seem like a bit of a red herring.


Now, for horse power, changing it does nothing (same is true of RPM).  Aircraft performance in WOFF seems to be a function of the max sea level airspeed, the weight, and the LDmax (lift/drag). "170hp" is just a generic designation for the Mercedes D.III power output in the Albatros D.III or D.V.  Primary sources indicate 175 PS @1450 rpm, with the max rpm in level flight at around 1500 rpm.


Now, regarding weight, there is a Windsock document that has the OAW Albatros D.Va coming in at over 950kg.  We also have a primary source that says 914.5kg.  So, I went with the primary source for my WOFF FM.  That same Windsock document doesn't convert correctly between metric and imperial units, fwiw.  They say 5km = 15250ft.


The other big difference you can feel in the FM I made is the rudder response.  No more hockey skids to the point of flying sideways through the air.  I also reduced the roll rate slightly to feel more like the Rise of Flight Albatros D.III.  Every account I have read of the Albatros describes mediocre roll performance, and with all the subjectivity that comes along with it, it seemed appropriate to make that change.


Incidentally, the WOFF FM leaves out the 2 degrees of lower wing dihedral in the Albatros V strutters.  I was very surprised that they missed this.




Now, having argued myself silly at the Rise of Flight forums over the Albatros airspeed, it is great that I can finally tinker with the FM in a WW1 flight sim.  However, WOFF is not free of the same problems.  Just like Rise of Flight, the Entente rotary scouts are pretty fast.  118.5mph for the Camel, 110mph for the Nieuport 17, 116mph for the Nieuport 24, etc.  As Pat Wilson says, FMs will never be perfect, but they shouldn't be obviously wrong.  The idea is to make the relative performance of the aircraft credible.  So, one of the first things I did was to slow down the rotary scouts (including the Dr1, ahem).  For example, all of the more detailed sources have a max airspeed of about 107mph for the Nieuport 24, but there is one figure out there that says 116mph and WOFF went with that one.  That ends of skewing the whole balance in 1917 when your Albatros is slower than 116mph.

Edited by gavagai

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Gavagai, those weights for Albatros D.Va are not their empty weights.

I have a clear photo of Albatros D.Va Serial-No. 7098/17 (the well-known "Gisi"), which was

from the last production batch ordered October 1917.


It's weight table reads:


Leergewicht: 680kg (empty weight)

Nutzlast: 235kg         (live load)

Gesammtgew: 915kg [strange they wrote it with two "m" - may be an old form of German]


There were also OAW-built Albatros D.Va (Ostdeutsche Albatros-Werke).

A weight-table in a historical photo I found a "WingnutWings", reads:


Leergewicht: 717kg (empty weight)

Nutzlast: 220kg        (live load)

Gesamtgew: 937kg


I think it is most safe to go after weight tables shown in historical photos, where we also see

the serial number of the plane, so we can say, which production batch it was.

Any researcher - even the good ones - make mistakes; I much prefer a first-hand source.




There were Albatros D.Va with 200 hp, which might have been those heavy weights.

Unfortunately I don't have any data for those - neither prod. nr. nor weight tables.

Edited by Olham

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When did I say they were empty weights?  That would be ridiculous.


What I'm explaining is the loaded weight I selected for my Albatros D.Va FM when all of the component weights are added together.

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According to JFM at least 742 of the 900 Albatros D.V's were built at this weight and horsepower.


Jim was trying to make a raw example...

It is my feeling that every D.V left the factory with the 620kg/170 hp specs,

marked in 2 row weights table on the port fuselage.

Here is another pic that narrows down Jim's count more:

 Albatros D.V 4640/17 (the last one left the factory being D.4702/17)




The words "Zulassige Belastung" (denoting a 2 row table) partialy and barely visible between the anemometer and the V strut.


The D.V's that were retrofitted with the D.Va improvements were given new weights tables ala D.Va style (3 row)

Here is Ernst Udet's D.4476/17 with the old style two row weights table scrubbed off...

in order to receive a new revised one, due to uprate?




Here is an older D.2359/17, captured in March 1918, with a later style 3 row weights table and retrofited braces.




​IMHO, the introduction of D.V uprated in WOFF is not quite historical, souldn't be before October November '17.





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Well, it doesn't matter elephant, because changing the horsepower in the FM file does nothing.  You can enter "0" for the horsepower and you get the same FM.

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When did I say they were empty weights?  That would be ridiculous.


What I'm explaining is the loaded weight I selected for my Albatros D.Va FM when all of the component weights are added together.


It seems from the net weight of the D.Va in WOFF that the chose to portray the OAW variant.

600 of them were made from Sept/Oct '17.

The had additional lower wing reinforcements that raised their net weight to 717 kg.

To counter that they had to reduce the fuel tank capacity by 15kg.




They should have slightly reduced range, is it the case in WOFF?


As Olham noted above, the greater number of D.Va-s were made by Johannisthal (1062) had net weight of 680kg.


The engines upgraded to Mercedes D.III aü  (the ü was for "über", meaning "overcompressed")

did not add any weight to the plane so no change expected to the weights table.

Well, it doesn't matter elephant, because changing the horsepower in the FM file does nothing.  You can enter "0" for the horsepower and you get the same FM.


I was refering to the historical horsepower of the D.V (Mercedes D.III engine) not the FM...

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Well, they didn't increase the wing strength to match that weight, then.  All of the Albatros scouts have the same max-g in WOFF.


I don't believe your claim that they were delivered with the D.IIIau engine.  According to Dave Watts at theaerodrome deliveries of that engine did not begin in number until June 1918.


On the other hand, the regular Mercedes D.IIIa produced more power than its usual designation.  The British rated an engine from a captured D.Va at around 188hp @1500rpm, and the engine revved to over 1550rpm in level flight (at least 190hp).

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I said that the upgraded engines to D.IIIau didn't add any weight, not that any Albatros was ever delivered from factory with such engine.  :biggrin:  

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Please, download gavagai's FM tweak again, I have revised  the file due to folder naming error (D.V instead of D.Va)

if you got the original file it will change the D.V FM... :blink:



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Hi guys,


What are you using to look at the FM data in WOFF? What software program would I need to be able to do the same? 


Does anyone else feel that there's something wrong with the Alb. D.III FM, specifically the "insty stall" when initiating a left hand bank/ turn?


I haven't had the opportunity to fly the D.V as modeled by OBD, so I have no comments on that(yet). 

Edited by Slick Wilhelm

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Hey, elephant, nice to see you joined in.

You have your facts together MUCH more orderly and precise than I ever will.

I am curious what you guys will come up with.


Wilhelm, I did not see the "instant stall" on the last D.III trips.

I may have had them in the beginning, not sure (derfinitely on the D.V though),

but I don't pull the stick so suddenly back anymore, and then the craft behaves

rather nicely.

We must not forget: not only may the WOFF Albies be "cut down" to more realism -

also a Sopwith Tripe, which I fought, could not do the crazy things they used to do

back in OFF. Had I treated my D.III even more careful, I could have shot him down

(but I didn't and so my wings broke - Mmuahahahahaaa!!!)

Edited by Olham

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I'd be interested if there's any way to add the more "bumpy" feel of flying into WOFF that exists in RoF.    Is that possible?

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What are you using to look at the FM data in WOFF? What software program would I need to be able to do the same?



You can open them with Notepad.


I'd be interested if there's any way to add the more "bumpy" feel of flying into WOFF that exists in RoF.    Is that possible?


gavagai, has made a deeper investigation of WOFF FMs.

in RoF Forum he claimed that (RoF feel) can be achieved at some point and noticed that the FMs in WOFF were deliberately  made "easy".

It would have been a huge task though...

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The bumpy feel is turbulence in Rise of Flight.  The initial release of WOFF had pretty strong turbulence, but it was toned down after a few patches.


What can be done is to make the WOFF scouts behave more like real aircraft.  However, I never received any feedback on my work.  Elephant, have you actually tried my D.Va?  Did you like it or not?

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Well, there you go.  I have received zero feedback so far, so not much reason to work on the additional aircraft except for my own pleasure.

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Hello Folks, May I chime in here.


I have read all the threads here with interest as well as the one on simhq on the FM issue.


I have tried Hellshades mod to the xfm and also the stock xfm from WOFF. I flew both in QC with the DV against 2 Pups and recorded video of the performance. The video of the Hellshade xfm is up on that site and the video of the stock xfm is currently uploading to YouTube and will be posted in that thread shortly. Once that upload completes I will log  back in here and post both of them here for your perusal. Keep in mind I am a newbie flyer of the DV so please don't look for Hellshade's quality.


Keep up the investigative work, it can only add to our knowledge base and assessment of things as they are in WOFF. I would like to think that we all have the same POSITIVE interest at heart with respect to WOFF. It is a great sim and can only get better if we are all open minded.


Best Regards to all

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Well, there you go.  I have received zero feedback so far, so not much reason to work on the additional aircraft except for my own pleasure.


You shouldn't say that, gavagai - this thread only started today, and has already two pages.

Me, I just had no time for testing yet - give the people some time, I'd say.

Edited by Olham

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Hi Folks;

Ok, I have gone back to the stock xfm for the DV and recorded a video of a combat with 2 Pups in QC.

For the sake of comparison I am posting the original video of the same scenario that I took in QC using the modified xfm for the DV, followed by the video of a combat session in QC with the stock xfm.

My impression is that there is little difference and if there is, it is very marginal. I am now inclined to lean in favour of Polovski's comment that my first impression "Could be a placebo.. our new XFM uses setting intelligently. What is in a text file is not the whole story. RexH says "both calculations are based on propRPM times propMOI. So there is no need to adjust for inline engine differences."

I am no expert flyer of the DV but I can say that my approach to handling it is consistent across both video's. What does stand out (but is not evident in the videos) is that during the course of learning this craft I discovered that forward speed is everything and that when trying to turn when the speed is low caused bad things to happen. Keep the speed up well from stall and make those turns with gentle progression. quick snappy moves makes the DV unhappy and you also.

Video with Hellshade's modified xfm:




video with stock WOFF xfm:




Best Regards


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You can open them with Notepad.


LOL, my bad. I didn't realize they were just flat files.  :biggrin:

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I discovered that forward speed is everything and that when trying to turn when the speed is low caused bad things to happen.

Yes, that sounds alright - the rather heavy craft (compared to canvas planes) is an energy fighter,

and "energy" means "forward speed". All your moves in a fight must be so, that you constantly

regain any lost energy; after a climb, the next turn will go better, if you dive before turning.

A nimble little turnfighter may be able to "hang on it's wings" a bit longer before it stalled -

the Albs need energy.


Thank you for testing, Robert.

I just had no time yet; could only make one campaign flight 20 minutes ago, and that was with a D.III.

What you report doesn't sound to me like there is an issue, or that the FM needed to be modified.

As I just realised again in a fight against two SPADs - the strongest "factor" for how it all goes sits

in the cockpit. Can I have a mod that makes me an 'instant ace', please?


Edited by Olham

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    • By VonS
      INSTALLING WOFF BHAH 2 IN (CLASSIC) WINESKIN ON A MAC AND/OR THEN TRANSPLANTING THE ENTIRE INSTALL TO WINDOWS 10 BOOTCAMP (info. added May 3, 2021)   Directions below should be followed, first to install WOFF BH&H 2 in WineSkin on a Mac, and then (optionally) to transplant the OBDSoftware\WOFF folder to Windows 10 in Bootcamp. This will allow for a BH&H 2 install to co-exist with previous WOFF installs in Windows, and also makes use of the same settings/keys file, to minimize installation and tweaking hassle for us Mac-heads.   The steps below assume that you already have an older version of WOFF running in WineSkin on your Mac - because such an older install in WineSkin is necessary to have for the full installation, and testing, of BH&H 2, to complete itself (otherwise the install will fail). These steps also assume that you are familiar with the installation steps, instructions, jargon, etc., located under the long WOFF-on-a-Mac post that is available under the WOFF threads on SimHQ.   (Those who do not have a previous version of WOFF installed in classic WineSkin, which is necessary for all of the steps below to be completed, are recommended instead to try either a direct install of BH&H 2 in Win10 on the Bootcamp side/partition of a Mac, or to try installing BH&H 2 into newer WINE wrappers available via the unofficial and newer WineSkin fork available at https://github.com/Gcenx/WineskinServer.)   STEP ONE: go to https://sourceforge.net/projects/wineskin/ and download the latest classic, wineskin winery (ver. 1.7 as of this writing), via the green "download" button there   STEP TWO: double-click on the program; in the menu that opens click on the plus sign to the left of "new engines available," and in the list that then opens choose WS9Wine1.7.7, download it, and then - when you're back in the main menu - choose "create new blank wrapper" (now wait about 3-4 minutes for your Mac to make the custom wrapper; once finished, the wrapper will be placed in an Applications folder that has been made inside your user folder on OS X and/or macOS)   STEP THREE: double-click on the wrapper once again and choose "install software" in the main menu; then "choose setup executable" in the next window that opens and locate your exe file for WOFF BH&H 2 that you purchased; now let the wrapper do its thing to install the game   STEP FOUR: once installed, the wrapper will go back to the main menu and you can click "quit" (it may also prompt you to locate the program before it drops to the main menu, the program in this case being the exe file of the game that was just installed - best thing at this point is just to leave this alone and close that window, if it doesn't drop to the main menu automatically)   STEP FIVE: once the wrapper has quit, don't double-click on it but "right-click" it and choose the option in the popup menu on OS X and/or macOS that says "show package contents" (this will open the wrapper's folder and should list something like a contents folder, the alias to its c drive, and an app/icon called WineSkin); 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the WOFF folder is found by right-clicking on the main WineSkin wrapper and choosing "show package contents"; the package is located within the "drive_c" folder, by the way   STEP NINE: now locate the WineSkin wrapper for your earlier edition of WOFF, double-click on it and select "show package contents," and navigate to the relevant "drive_c" directory to locate the OBDSoftware\WOFF folder that corresponds with that older variant of WOFF; rename that folder to something like OBDSoftwareOld\WOFF and move it to your desktop; now copy over, to that location instead, the fresh OBDSoftware\WOFF folder that corresponds with BH&H 2, from your desktop   STEP TEN: copy and replace the OBDSoftware\WOFF\OBDWW1 Over Flanders Fields\campaigns\CampaignData\Pilots folder in your fresh BH&H 2 folder (that should be in the older WineSkin wrapper by now, as explained in the previous step) with the same folder from OBDSoftwareOld\WOFF that is now on your desktop (this is an important step; otherwise, BH&H 2 will not open in WineSkin unless this older Pilots folder transplant is done)   STEP ELEVEN: now close all unnecessary WineSkin windows and double-click the main WineSkin wrapper icon for your earlier edition of WOFF but that now contains the newer OBDSoftware\WOFF folder with the transplanted CampaignData\Pilots folder; allow BH&H 2 to open; recommended is to fly one quick combat mission or one of the other instant missions available, to allow all necessary files to populate successfully in your install; congratulations!, you now have a successful WOFF BH&H 2 install running in (classic) WineSkin; you may now quit WOFF BH&H 2   STEP TWELVE: optional at this point, if you like, is to copy the now functioning and tested WOFF folder that resides in your BH&H 2 WineSkin install (the one located at OBDSoftware\WOFF), to a Windows 10 partition on your Mac, or perhaps to another Mac (or Windows machine) where you already have an older version of WOFF installed; there will be no need to un-install that older version of WOFF that resides in Windows; simply rename that older version to something like WOFF UE or WOFF PE, in order to run BH&H 2; if you want to run the older version of WOFF again, rename the newest WOFF folder to something like WOFF BH2, and the older one simply to WOFF, and the old version then becomes functional; both installs will coexist happily, and will also use the same keys/settings located under AppData\Roaming\OBD_Games\OBDWW1 Over Flanders Fields (recommended, however, is to map extra keys for Lewis gun loading/reloading into the older WOFFKeys.xca file that you have, for full, functional use of that gun in BH&H 2)   NOTES: Don't forget to swap back your older OBDSoftware\WOFF folder into your WineSkin WOFF wrapper, on your Mac, if you will not be running BH&H 2 in WineSkin but only in Windows; or, make a copy of your functional WineSkin install instead, place the older WOFF folder into that wrapper, and enjoy running multiple versions of WOFF that way too, directly in OS X/macOS (recommended is to give the multiple WineSkin wrappers different names, to avoid confusion, if you choose such a setup); no guarantees that the instructions posted above will result in a stable install of WOFF BH&H 2 on your Mac, but there is a fine chance that careful following of the instructions will result in a good install   ----- ADDENDUM: WOFF BHAH2 BOTTLING (Brief Illustrated Tutorial; info. added May 4, 2021)
      Please find included below some tutorial pics. for how to install/extract WOFF BH&H2 into an empty WineSkin bottler that should first be optimized for WOFF BH&H2 bottling and that runs well on Mac OS X versions 10.5 to 10.12 (for macOS versions 10.13 and higher, recommended instead is to see the unofficial WineSkin port for Macs at https://github.com/Gcenx/WineskinServer). Bottler not supplied for download here; recommended is to make your own either via classic WineSkin, and then to install BH&H2 as specified in the pics. below, or to install/bottle via a newer WineSkin as per the link given immediately above.
      The "BH&H2 Bottler" in my case, on my Mac Mini, has been set to Windows 7 compatibility, with WINE Wrapper version 2.6.2, and WINE Engine WS9WINE1.7.7. No WineTricks have been installed because this wrapper ONLY installs WOFF BH&H2, and individual patches for BH&H2, into ready and transportable form, but does not serve up a functional, running BH&H2 install within the wrapper itself.
      To set up a functional, running install of BH&H2, proceed to look carefully over the final illustrated instruction set provided below, and as well do read over the more thorough installation directions located under this relevant WOFF-on-Mac post (above) or the longer one on SimHQ that also covers installation info. regarding WOFF UE/PE before focusing on BH&H2.
      NOTE: Successful transporting of a functional, running install of BH&H2 onto a Win10 partition on your Mac (should you choose not to run BH&H2 in WineSkin) - requires that you also, already have an older version of WOFF installed on the Win10 partition/drive, since that older version has created the necessary Windows registry files for WOFF, as well as other necessary folders that contain keyboard/joystick customizations for WOFF, etc.
      Happy bottling, transporting, and flying of WOFF BH&H2,
      Von S 
      Classic WineSkin Main Window - Use "Install Software" button to install BH&H2 and all relevant update patches

      Right-Click Maneuver - After BH&H2 has been installed and patched, right-click and choose "Show Package Contents," to display directories

      Navigating to C Drive - Double-click on the "drive_c" alias to enter the c drive main level directory

      Locating the "OBDSoftware" Folder - The relevant folder will be located inside the main level, c drive directory (see further explanations provided on the pic.)*

      * Recommended is to keep a copy somewhere on your Mac of such a bottled, patched, but non-functional WineSkin wrapper with BH&H2 installed and patched inside it - this way you may patch/update the bottled version whenever new patches come out, and then carefully follow the same procedures as explained in the pic. immediately above this note, in order to be able to fly the latest version of BH&H2 either in WineSkin wrappers or in your Win7/8.1/10 Bootcamp partitions.
    • By VonS
      Hello fellow WOFFers,
      Thought I’d open this separate thread for a future mods-compatibility list for the ver. of BH&H 2 (WOFF) that will be released soon. Becker is welcome to make use of this thread for his long mods-compatibility list that is currently hosted on the WOFF threads over on SimHQ. I will also use this thread to update regarding my FM mods., GPU Tuner Patch, etc., in the future and time-permitting.
      For convenience and simplicity, I encourage everyone who is a member/user of CombatAce to post mods-related questions for BH&H 2 WOFF under this thread, since it will be easier to find mod-compatibility info. that way. While most WOFF-related mods. are available via Sandbagger’s site for WOFF addons, this thread will hopefully prove helpful for compatibility questions, info. regarding release of new mods. not hosted on Sandbagger’s site, etc. - and ideally will become a centralized hub for mod-related topics since there are too many mod-related threads over on the SimHQ forums for WOFF and it becomes confusing/discouraging to navigate for new WOFF fliers who might wish to load up quickly on WOFF goodies and fly.
      OBD, feel free to delete this thread if you will be posting a separate stickied thread for mod-compatibility questions, etc.
      For those interested in downloading my FM tweaks packages for the Ultimate and Platinum Eds. of WOFF, as well as GPU Tuner Patches for the Platinum Ed., including for WOTR Phase One, and the small FM tweaks package for WOTR Phase One - please see the link included immediately below. Those WOFF-related packages are not compatible with the latest, BH&H 2 edition unless otherwise indicated in this thread. I am currently busy with work and other duties, so my limited modding time will be devoted only to First Eagles 2 for the foreseeable future.
      Tweaks Packages for Previous Eds. of WOFF, etc.
      EDIT: to find my previous and current mods packages for WoFF/WoTR, click on my propeller icon here on CombatAce to go to my main profile page. Once there, click on the "about me" tab to find all relevant info. and mod download link(s).
      Cheers all,
      Von S 
    • By Kodokushi
      I created a deck to use with the Matric Android app to control WINGS OVER FLANDERS FIELDS: BETWEEN HEAVEN & HELL II.
      I'm so new to the game that I still don't know just what I don't know about playing it I have a little bit of flight sim experience in the past but having recently read the remarkable book Marked for Death  byJames Hamilton-Patterson I used google to learn more about WWI flight, found WOFF and jumped in running. I've never been fond of using a keyboard to enter sim commands I'm grateful for this forum, it's been instrumental in helping me get started, my thanks to everyone who has contributed. I'm not affiliated with Matric app in any way, I'm just a guy trying to figure things out The Matric App
      Their Website http://matricapp.com/ All edits are done on the desktop app that is a free download  The mobile app communicates with this desktop app to work with your game (Or photo editor, videos, music, etc. etc. Matric is useful beyond gaming) Google Play Store on Android phone or tablet to get the mobile app.  Cost for the app is scaled based on what you can either afford or how much you value it ranging from $12.99 to $19.99 you choose how much you  pay. I use a Kindle Fire tablet that I found a work around to get the Play Store on How I use Matric in WOFF
      I set up my deck to have everything I didn't have set up already on other devices (you may see buttons you don't need or need more but this is easily editable)  I use SmoothTrack Face Tracking App on my Android phone with Opentrack on my computer so I didn't need the eye movement commands As an aside, I have tried many setups and this is the best inexpensive solution I have found for face tracking I had trouble with my VKB Gladiator NXT Joystick so I pulled an old Logitech Extreme 30 Pro joystick out and started using it.  I think the Gladiator issues are related to some setup I was doing for IL2 and not related to WOFF, I will dedicate the time later to getting it going in WOFF but the Logitech works fine for now. the Logitech has a few commands on it, these are not on my Deck I changed a handful of commands while playing around with setup, please be aware if you download my deck that the following are not standard WOFF commands: Fixed Views Toggle Control+NumberPad5 Select Next Weapon Conrol+NumberPad2 Right Rudder Trim Control+NumberPad6 Left Rudder Trim Control+NumberPad4 Increase Time Compression Control+Semicolon Quality Control If you find an error in my deck, please share it here, I haven't even pushed every button in game yet. Future Plans
      I expect my decks to change quite a bit as I learn. Some buttons will be removed, some changed in look or groupings.  Dedicated decks built for given plane types that have identical or very similar commands, removing commands that do not apply to those planes Move buttons that are needed to access quickly (Combat) in sizing and location to fit my needs as I learn I already have Blip button and unjam guns at the edge of the screen and large in anticipation of needing them quicker I can see moving or copying the Wingman commands to the Weapon and Combat page to access them in the heat of battle without changing pages Decks for realistic flying without any navigation buttons, just the bare basics after I get competent Add maps as pages to decks, they will not be scrollable, but multiple pages that are static maps (images) can be added.  Area around landing field for sure As much of the engagement area as possible as additional pages I hope that some of you here use Matric and contribute your work so that I can implement your improvements into my own setup. If there is another option for this type of tablet based game control that is inexpensive I'd love to hear your experience. For now I can't think of anything that would make me change but I try to keep an open eye as to what is out there. Get my Deck for Free if you have Matric
      Kodokushi WOFF BHAH2 Flanders Field 1.1.2022 Deck • Matric (matricapp.com) Or seach 'Kodokushi' from the desktop Matric app  I plan to date my decks as I update them and will try to keep on top of removing the older decks if they seem obsolete compared to newer efforts  


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