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Grounded With WOFF

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Well, my memory update and new graphics card came Monday, and I only ordered them Saturday - yay!


Now I always research things before I buy them ... so how the freak did I miss the fact that DDR3 memory is physically not going to fit in our DDR2 slots!?  So, one Amazon return label later, I find out that new DDR2 memory is now a rarity and far more expensive than the DDR3 memory that I was worried about spending so much on. 8GB of DDR2 memory direct from Crucial is over £200.

So, I would like to ask if anyone has any experience of using second hand RAM.  Am I just being dumb to consider it?


At least the new graphics card, a GTX 650 (it's what I felt could justify) which I was worried might not physically fit, slotted in nicely.  Our original hard drive, the one that doesn't run OFF, recognised it and it's drivers and seems to be running fine.

The new second hard drive, that one that did run WOFF, showed it on device manager for an instant then replaced it with the on board graphics device and refuses to recognise the new one.  I have found at least one person who had a similar experience and I have disabled the on board device and reloaded the new drivers, but to no avail.

I continue to search the web, but at the moment  I can't run WOFF at all.


Having stopped up till about 2:00am trying to fix it I had a hard time keeping awake at work.  I kind of wish they'd taken 5 days and turned up for the weekend now!

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Sorry to hear you're still having troubles m8.

I've got the ram problem with my planned upgrade too. DDR2 is more expensive and hard to come by. I'm not sure I'd resort to second hand ram though. Seems too risky.

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Well, despite swearing that I was not going to have another go at the graphics card tonight, of course I did ... and I seem to have got it to work!  As far as I can make out the trick was to stop the standard VGA card drivers reinstalling every time I uninstalled it.  Then I let the NVIDIA site scan for the appropriate drivers and downloaded them.  So that is something.


Tranquilo, the second hand RAM does feel risky, although I have no real technical knowledge myself to back that up.  I have just about been able to justify what I have spent so far (with the generous encouragement of my wife - it must be said) but the DDR2 from reputable suppliers is really steep.  Using VISTA with 4GB RAM I am not sure how well WOFF will run but I'll give it a try once I have reinstalled it (I cleared everything off the harddrive during last night's efforts).  

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It depends a lot on your CPU speed, but I would think you should be able to run on 5 3 3 5 5 settings in Workshop. You'll probably get a 30fps or so which is playable. (This is how OFF was running on my old XP PC until November last year)

Edited by corsaire31

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I have 2 x 500 Mb DDR2-800Mhz cards knocking about from an old scrapped pc.  pm me your address if you want them.  They are from a pc that stopped working - mobo problems?  But I kept the case and drives and replaced the mobo, the CPU (new mobo has a different Intel socket) and new DDR3 memory.  It wasn't that expensive with a 2 core CPU - remember that WOFF does not use more than 2 cores anyway...    


Yes, old memory is always more expensive as nobody really wants it and they stop making it. 

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Corsaire, that's about the fps I was getting with OFF as well, but with slightly lower settings.  That wouldn't be too bad if it manages that.


JimAttrill, thanks for the offer.  Unfortunately I only have two RAM slots, with 2GB of RAM in each at present.

Edited by Wayfarer

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On my old XP32 PC (which is still functional) I was running OFF at 30 fps on 5 4 4 5 5 settings

Core Duo E8500 + 3 Go RAM DDR2-800 + HD 5770 1Go


This is why I preferred staying with XP till the end !

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We seem to have a stack of old machines sitting around at work right now, I don't know why.  I'll see if I can find anything for you.  But it my have to wait until Monday.  I'll be crazy busy tomorrow.  My daughter had her first child late Wednesday night, so I was off today, and have a real cruncher lined up tomorrow.





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Wayfarer I have two gig of Corsair xms 2 matched memory.  Each stick is 1 gig. timing is 5 5 5 12 800 MHz.  I would give them to you if they would help.  They worked fine for me and they are just lying around here.  If you want them let me know and I will send them to you.

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Mr_Dirt, thanks for the offer. Unfortunately I only have two RAM slots and they already have 2GB each in them, so my only option to expand is to get sticks that are larger than 2GB.


Human Drone, thanks also.  Even I wouldn't suggest that WOFF should come before a new grandchild!


Thanks both,




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Sorry I couldn't be more help Wayfarer.  I will look around , but I do not think I have anything larger than  1 GIG modules.  I just built a new computer I will look in my old one and see what it has.  It may have 2 gig strips.  I will look and see. 

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Wayfarer I just looked I do have two sticks of Corsair Dominator 2 gig per stick 1066 MHz timing is 5 5 5 15.  They are tall but were working fine in my old computer.  That would give you 4 gig.  If interested let me know I will send them to you.

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Wayfarer I just looked I do have two sticks of Corsair Dominator 2 gig per stick 1066 MHz timing is 5 5 5 15.  They are tall but were working fine in my old computer.  That would give you 4 gig.  If interested let me know I will send them to you.

Thanks again for looking.  Unfortunately with the just the two slots, and these already having 2GB each in them, I have no room to use them.

It's not too bad though.  I have made some adjustments to my graphics card settings, as detailed by Hellshade at the other forum, and its raised my fps by an appreciable amount, especially in the early war period that I intended to start with.

I have a couple of leads that might yet yield 4GB DDR2 sticks so I remain hopeful.





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Sorry I couldn't help I hope it works out for you.

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