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tho not exactly a what if...... could help but think of ya when i saw this


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They missed the DECMs, counting rivets...

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count yer calendar macelena..... the Marines made that deployment in early 1973. BEE LINE was just getting made at that time and not quite operational yet. there for it was a F-4B.


that my friend, is how you tally aircraft fasteners..........

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Did somebody land on the wrong Carrier?

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I didn´t know about the year, it just said it was an N model. On the other hand, there was a pic around with Ks in along with a J with DECMs, however, this had to be in a US carrier, as they were side by side in their respective catapults and i doubt a J would have been fine to operate from one of the smaller carriers

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Could somebody explain this photo better, what exactly is going on?

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both instances are zaps by the squadrons the other plane visited. the colonial navy is when the RN worked up on the Saratoga while Ark Royal was refitting.  the USMC one was a return of the favor i believe.  

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