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Is SF:NA campaign winable?

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No matter what, I'm always defeated when playing North Atlantic - with eburger's & pals' expansion pack- campaigns.

Even when I am winning all the missions.


As soon as the Soviet fleet goes under, the campaign is finished with the said Soviets victorious. 


It's becoming frustrating! 

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Yes but haven't played it in a while


If you are an A-7 then the Badgers might still be taking out your landing fleet - you depend on the AI F-14s to some extent.

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Well, even in a F-14 was I defeated. Didn't saw the badgers, though. Every time, the campaign ends when the Soviet fleet is mauled by NATO. With a defeat.

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The auxillary landing fleet has to survive to land your troops.


If you are flying the F-14 then are you intercepting and stopping the bombers from launching?

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Indeed, the SF2NA campaign in a Tomcat is, along with Red LIghtning in a USAF Phantom, the only campaign i´ve won. Ever. In 7 years

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What update are you using?  In the most recent patches the NA campaigns were made easier.

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Now that i think about it, i´m going to try and see if i can force Rolling Thunder into victory by nuking the dust out of NV with a B-58. It is the only way to imrpove my campaign record

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I've managed to win Northern Sabre in both the F-14 and F-4E. It's doable in the F-4, but real hard.

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Won it twice in the Tomcat, but I usually take extra wingmen on intercepts and select the maximum load of AiM-54s.

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Won it twice in the Tomcat, but I usually take extra wingmen on intercepts and select the maximum load of AiM-54s.

that's the way to do it.  Tomcats and Phoenix missiles below the deck are pretty worthless when there are vampires inbound.


Won my modded 1969 campaign in a Skyhawk.  No Tomcats, but no Tu-22M either.  Campaign structure was basically the same as stock.

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